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on 2019-10-19
 Tape mastering program ?


Are there programs to easily make a TAP file with a loader picture and an executable for Plussy ?
for a future physical release of a game.... wink

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on 2019-10-19
 Re: Tape mastering program ?

Add me to the wishlist too. Unfortunately I don't have the skills required to create such a tool my self. When looking at the code and all the versions of similar tools for the C64 it seems it would not be a small task writing one.

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on 2019-10-20
 Re: Tape mastering program ?

Use one of the many turbo tape loaders you have you can find here, and add the usual code as for a C64: based on how big your code is and what it has to do once run, activate the bitmap and colormap at $1800-$3F3F and move the exomized rest from $3F40 to be run at the end of the loading; alternative: first the program loads bitmap and colormap to $B800-$DF3F then load the program normally at the beginning of Basic.

Posted By

on 2019-10-20
 Re: Tape mastering program ?

Thanks for the guidance Luca!

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