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on 2019-09-17
 Re: After nearly two years, Plus4Emu...

Hi, for the Windows version I used the following MinGW packages (32 and 64 bit):


These are old, but should work, and include all the library dependencies. I cross-compiled with Wine, however, building natively on Windows should be possible, too. To install one of the above packages, just extract it under C:, and add (for the 64 bit version) C:\mingw64\bin to the PATH environment variable. You also need Python and SCons, once those are installed and set up, a command like shown below builds everything:

scons win64=1 -j 4

Change win64 to win32 for a 32 bit version, the -j 4 is for parallel building (4 processes, obviously the best number depends on the CPU). There are some other options listed at the beginning of the SConstruct file.

The most recent Git sources (just updated) include a few fixes for building with Python 3, and environment variable related errors on Windows.

Finally, to create the installable Windows package, you need NSIS 2, and run makensis.exe on plus4emu.nsi under "installer".

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