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Posted By

on 2019-04-25
 What about 2000s??

Hello Plus/4 Forum!

Yesterday I talked with 5tarbuck, that we most certainly will do some more games in the future. And I got to the point,
that I (and perhaps the other game makers, too) don't wanna pollute the Plus/4World TopList database with all these newshool entries.

Currently there are a lot of games in development and it will be even more in the future to come.
So most probably the Top 10 will be covered later on with some games, which have no connection to the old gems produced in the 80s,
which everyone loved and played in this time period. We all have games, which were and are our connection to the C16 / Plus/4 in the past.

I think there will be a lot of games to come in the future, perhaps some rather awesome titles like Pinball Dreams, Lemmings, Myst,
Defender of the Crown, Last Ninja, XeO3, Arkanoid, Lotus, Dynablaster and stuff the plus/4 veteranes do. And most certainly many of these titles will be more
like new school C64,Amiga etc.. productions.. It could be that the old gems you loved to play will be misrepresented by this in the Top List.
Perhaps people who want to do some research about the Plus/4s history, could get a distorted view by that.

If there is no problem at all, I didn't say anything. It's just that I think that there will be more games in the future to come and perhaps
people who loved the Plus/4 already from the early ages, could have some issue with such a "blurred" Top List.

So my idea was, yesterday in an already deleted post, to split the TopList in before 2000s and after 2000s. I think the newschool age
started with AIT but that could just be a personal view of that. Perhaps it would be an option to split it into homebrew and commercial, but then
again there are many new Psytronik games and most certainly new Psytronik games to come.

So I just wanna ask what's your opinion about that in this almost "restored" post.. It's a thing the admins have to decide anyways in the end,
but I personally don't wanna be responsible for distorting the history of this computer and put people down, who played and loved the gems produced
directly in the early C16 / Plus/4 era.


In brief form: The question was, if it would make sense to split the Top List of games in a before 2000 part and an after 2000 part?

Just to keep up the value of the gems produced and played within the 80s..

Posted By

on 2019-04-24
 Re: What about 2000s??

I tried to remove this topic.. Seems now the Plus/4World Superhero Admins have to remove this topic..

Posted By

on 2019-04-24
 Re: What about 2000s??

Why remove it? I didn't see anything objectionable. Thought-provoking, yes ... maybe even debatable ... but not objectionable. happy

Posted By

on 2019-04-24
 Re: What about 2000s??

I can't do anything about it now.. Don't want to write this text again.. And most probably there wasn't a problem at all.. JamesC thanx for the reply..

Posted By

on 2019-04-24
 Re: What about 2000s??

In the past it was possible to delete posts or topics by marking them as spam. Now there is no possibility to delete posts or topics anymore it seems.. It even felt clumsy to mark things as spam to delete them.. Whatever.. I can't do anything about this topic now.. It's just an empty post whithout an owner who could edit or delete it... :)

Posted By

on 2019-04-24
 Re: What about 2000s??

IIRC the Delete As Spam option only appeared on posts by those not logged into the forum. So I can't flag your posts as spam, and you can't flag mine as spam, as long as we are logged in at the time we post.

And ... at one time, the forum automatically kept a "backup" anytime we edited our posts. This allowed Csabo and Luca the ability to look into things, if someone stirred up a disagreement then tried to hide it by editing their post. I don't know if the system still does, but if you want your original post restored (rather than this thread deleted), Csabo might be able. happy

Posted By

on 2019-04-24
 Re: What about 2000s??

Yeah.. I think I removed my ID manually in the past in order to delete my posts (as spam).

Perhaps it would be a good option, to have a delete button as long as there are no replies.. But that's not my business.. :D

So now I ask for Csabo to revive this topic. Including the healthy discussion that'll follow up then.. happy

Posted By

on 2019-04-25
 Re: What about 2000s??

Hi Mad,

i was lucky to read your original long post and i fully agree with you.

In my opinion there are the two timeperiods of every system from my personal perspective:
1) The first timeperiod starts at commercial beginning to the decline. Commercial Software\Game were produced and could be bought from various sources (eg.stores, magazines,...). This are the interesting items for collectors like me, because of their packaging and history.
2) The second period begins with the last commercial software\game ever produced. Everything after that i call Homebrew-Period. With the tools of today the quality is even better.

I think that 2000 is too late. Maybe 1990 (!?).
An Idea: With the right flags in the database entries (which surely already exist), the toplists could be filtered to the personal taste.

Posted By

on 2019-04-25
 Re: What about 2000s??

Well, I got my last advertisement flyer from Kingsoft in december 1990 with a new game "one two one". Maybe there is more after (from hungary?) that came out and definitly belongs to the first period. In my opinion the second decade schould not beginn earlier than 1995 ... or as late as 2010, when - after nearly two decades - the first commercial release came out with "adventures in time".

Posted By

on 2019-04-25
 Re: What about 2000s??

I just almost restored the original and long post..

George yeah, good point with the collectors viewpoint! And Yes, perhaps a start and end year selection (or filtering for some flags) for the top list would be a nice feature.. However that's not in our hands, I suppose. That would omit this and other issues very nicely..

GeTE I started directly after the eastern german decline and that was 1989, and just seen many oldschool titles there for the first time, so perhaps my view is somehow blurred. For me personally the new school period starts with AIT (around 2010), but perhaps I am mistaken on that. I have seen many hungarian homebrew titles produced in the 1990s but they fit mostly into the oldschool scheme for me. It's a totally personal view and I just thought that 2000 seems to be a good mark (just found that Quadrillion was 2004 perhaps even that is the first "newschool" title)! happy

Posted By

on 2019-04-25
 Re: What about 2000s??

Nice idea, no bad feelings about it at all.

Maybe a filter/criteria selection system would be good but then it would be quite a work to index/flag/update the existing database, I guess.

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