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on 2019-01-17
 Re: Pets Rescue Psytronik preorders

Thank you for the super review, Frederick! grin
Yes, I'm pretty sure Bil knows about Pets Rescue, hafta say the fame of our game got a boost especially in the US when David "The 8-bit Guy" Murray did show it in two different videos, and we're talking about 300.000 views videos!

Yes, that's the kind of gameplay feeling we aimed to, and finally we have a feedback from someone who solved the game, yeeeah! have to admit I got this face me too, when I've seen the big boss the first time, Mad's and KiCHY's stuff is a surprise every time (but I had to draw sprites and compose music for the final boss' level, so I moved to work pretty fast, ahah! wink ). Btw, I'm very proud of both the boss level and the outro tunes, but after having composed several tunes and drawn all the animations, I have to say that the point which makes me feel real proud is the story and scenario creation, which seems to be quite consistent and, yes, if you'd get a pet in your life as an important slice of your feelings, our game's ending is dedicated exactly to you happy Nonetheless I seize this opportunity to remember that all the ppl who created Pets Rescue have donated their proceeds to Humane Society International, to help real pets in their real lives.

KiCHY's level design has been praised by all the ppl I talked with, and I think the ultimate words about the gameplay triggering come from Andrea "Bisboch" Babich (Ubisoft Italia), in his personal video review, sticking on some points:
- has a high atmosphere overall;
- of course is a tech milestone for the machine, but most of all it's a very good game per se;
- yes it's difficult 'cause is an oldschool type of game, but not impossible or frustrating as described from someone, "unless you're crap at playing games" (cit. grin );
- the level design is neat and "follows what the N...endo grammar teached very well";
- (he says that our game plays better than Sam's Journey being more inspired, but hey, let's keep this inbetween brackets, sssssh! wink ).

What can I say more? Thank you again for your kind words, they're fuel for all of us, keep up to improve your scores (and specify by notes you're playing the commercial version if you're gonna enter your score in the Hall of Fame) searching for any evil secret we added wink A good clue? Dig "in danger" the seabed wink

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