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Posted By

on 2018-09-28
 Plus 4 won't load tapes


I have had a plus 4 in the loft for years and when it went away
It wouldn't load anything from tape.

I bought a new (untested) 1531 datacassette to try but it still doesn't load

Is this a common fault? It seems unlikely both my tape drives are dead. Any pointers? I'd really like to fix this little commodore

Posted By

on 2018-10-01
 Re: Plus 4 won't load tapes

What is the problem? Does not the tape work? Or Load Error?

Posted By

on 2018-10-03
 Re: Plus 4 won't load tapes

Check none of the pins are bent at the end of the datacassette's.

Other than that... If the keyboard and joystick ports stop working yet everything else with the machine is fine then the TED chip has normally gained a fault. A slight chance this could also be your problem with the data units not working. Sadly TED chips are expensive to buy for such a test.

Posted By

on 2018-10-03
 Re: Plus 4 won't load tapes

Little more details may help to localize the failure.
Some questions:
1) these tapes were old ones, and was a good brand? Sony, TDK, BASF?
or these tapes recently created with some PC tools? As I know C64 tape uses different signal, than the Plus/4

2) did you check and clean the surface of the tape heads (denat. alcohol)?

3) do the tape drive found anything on the tapes and start "LOADING" but never finishes it, or even cannot find the header? completely misaligned heads can also cause such troubles. I know it was a practice by the "advanced" guys to continuously align the head, but I have never done it, even if the tape I received froma friend was not readible.

4) is it sure, that the tape you have still contains anything? or maybe way too silent? Storing magnetic tapes close to speakers, TV, can rotate the magnetic momentum on the tape, causing weakening signal.

Posted By

on 2018-10-03
 Re: Plus 4 won't load tapes

Describe the tapes you want to load, the command you type for loading and the behaviour of the computer.
if you try to load selfsaved basicprogramms, from another datasette, probably the head is misaligned.

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