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Posted By

on 2018-06-25
 Re: A New Resolution!


You seem to use a very peculiar terminology, or at least that's my impression. Could you please use the following notions/concepts to ease understanding.

Character set or charset: the tally of font, the set or collection of certain symbols or their appearance.
Character or char: one single symbol out of a possible 128 or 256 depending on the text display mode set; it can be of one from any number if it is software drawn in graphic mode.
Character generator or chargen: a selected area of memory that describes the appearance of the chars in a charset; it can be selected with 1kB memory granularity, and consumes 1 or 2 kB depending on 128 or 256 char mode.

Furthermore, I'm not quite sure that you really get the difference between the text and graphic display modes and how your proposed "New Resolution" actually works. Or I simply drowned in the sea of your words.

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