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on 2018-05-07
 [Ebay] I am selling my Philips G7000/7400 collection (79 Items)

Hi friends of old consoles,

I am selling on ebay my Philips G7200 and G7400 collection (79 items)
Ebay seller George712000

I am in a little desperate situation, so i want to sell my stuff now.

* A complete Boxed G7000 console in very good condition
* Chess Module C 7010: Big cool module which had a sepate Processor in it
* Backgammon (one of the Holy Grails)
* "The Quest for the Rings": A combination of Tableboard and videogame (very interesting)
* "The Great Fortune Hunt": A combination of Tableboard and videogame (also very interesting)
* "Musician': The G7000 has a buld in keyboard (!). The game has an overlay and you can make music with it.
* All Parker Modules: Frogger, Q*bert, Super Cobra and Popeye (Forgger is really great!)
* All Imagic Modules: Demon Attack and Atlantis (as cool as the Atari Versions)
* in all 79 Items

Maybe you are interested.


Posted By

on 2018-05-24
 Re: [Ebay] I am selling my Philips G7000/7400 collection (40 Items)

Half of my collection has been sold. 40 Items are left.

Ebay seller George712000

Left "Highlights" (my opinion from 40 Items) are:
* The Chess module C7010, boxed, complete in a very good condition
* The Quest for the Rings, complete like new (bags still sealed)
* Musician
* Frogger (Parker)
* Videopac 9 Programmer
* +51 Terrahawks
* Rest is more are less Videopac from 1 to 44
everything is tested and working.

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