Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Csabo on 2018-02-14 16:47:01
| Re: Calling all old-school sceners (Crown, Chicken, where are you?)
Chicken weighs in (via email):
"In fact, I wondered about that, too. Long time ago. My conclusion back then: Two different guys, mainly because of the "Neverending Story" pic (MMS pointed that out, too). PLK – although similar to PO BOX – is something different. I think, I wrote about that a while ago in some other context. Searched … 11 years ago?! Time flies by to fast. It was completely anonymous and crackers used it to avoid trouble. Maybe Fusion didn't have one and it had more "street credibility" ( ) if you had one. I think TTL/Fusion lived in Bonn. Though, that's not too far away from Köln. So sharing a PLK could be possible. Another option (though, in this case not very likely): Lonely sceners made up alter-egos (fellow sceners)."