Posted By
 RKSoft on 2017-07-22 12:54:25
 | New game Bomb Runner 2
Bomb Runner 2 is an official sequel to Marks Bomb Runner (Plus4_Fan).
Your goal is to find and deactivate the bomb before time is running out. Many guards watching the course!!! This game features:
- completely written in Commodore BASIC 3.5 - keyboard (standart) or joystick controll (see options) - 3 different difficults (options) - up to 12 rooms - up to 10 guards in a room - interludes - multicolor mode - one big endboss - fast game play!!! - stealth and labyrinth like game
Grab a copy from my webpage

Posted By
 MMS on 2017-07-22 16:56:26
 | Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
Wow, very nice! You are getting better and better! Especially the text transition method and the animation speed is very impressive a BASIC game. Good concept, nice relaization!
After finishing 7 levels, one suggestion: especially on the first two levels, the speed of the light direction change could be faster a little, if you have only one possbile way to solve it. Also, I noticed a bug: on the first level just before the bomb the guy changed the light to the righ direction, and I was just there. But the collision detection did not recongise the "catch", maybe beause I stopped moving at once. After the guy changed the light ot left direction,I could continue and catch the bomb (instead of being in the prison)
Posted By
 RKSoft on 2017-07-23 08:15:57
 | Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
Thanks for your reply 
The collision bug occurs when the player stop walking near the enemy and the light direction changed to the player. If you don't move, no collision detection because there isn't a detection from the enemy. Since i read your comment i thought about a detection after the lights changed. It needs 4 peeks to read.
But, i think i do not change it. Its a little (not bug) feature to complete the game on hard level. ^^
Posted By
 Skoro on 2017-07-23 10:54:07
| Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
Congratulations !!!
Posted By
 MMS on 2017-07-24 17:10:16
 | Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
Maybe it is not a bug, but a feature. :-) He is an assissin, and he became one with the shadows if he does not move.😀
Posted By
 Mad on 2017-07-24 09:41:11
| Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
I think you have done (one of) the best basic game I know of. There are some commercial titles which have a different setting, like rpgs and so on. Never seen such flawless execution in a basic game. What for me is unclear, why should someone protect bombs, if you talk to the security people they perhaps most likely would help you finding the bomb (and later arrest you). However nice idea for a game!
Posted By
 RKSoft on 2017-07-24 10:46:48
 | Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
Thanks again! So, i fixed some language issues in the title screen and added a collision check after changing the light direction.
@Mad the story is damn stupid, not really good . The enemies are terrorists and your mission is to deactivate the bomb.
By the way: my first idea was to make a minigame in this game which you deactivate the bomb. ^^ Now, the game needs 87 blocks! It will be nice when Luca or another +4 World Admin can update the file?!
The fixed version is avaible on my webpage.
Posted By
 Luca on 2017-07-24 12:42:53
 | Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
File double updated! Anyway, you didn't change the wordsin the options menu, as suggested by the users of
Posted By
 RKSoft on 2017-07-25 09:04:36
 | Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
Thanks again. In the search for the collision detection i missed that. I'm sorry. I fixed this and updated the file on my site. Because to collect the bomb, there is only one position per level. No PEEK! That mean you can collect the bomb only from one coordinate (most the way you are going to the bomb).
Posted By
 Luca on 2017-07-29 11:47:27
 | Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
Why that weird looking final boss, after all the pretty graphics along the game? At first, I guessed it was a bug...
Posted By
 RKSoft on 2017-07-30 08:11:38
 | Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
@Luca what you mean? oO The final boss is a big soldat.
Posted By
 Luca on 2017-07-30 08:40:52
 | Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
This is what I see as final boss. Check your CHARSET.PRG file. Also, check how cursor down works in the menu, because once you reach the lower option you get weird moves if pressing cursor down again.

Posted By
 RKSoft on 2017-07-31 08:36:23
 | Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
Omg oO, i forgot to update the charset.prg inside the d64. I'm ashamed -.- I re-uploaded the zip file with the fixed d64. I tested the d64 file with VICE and it works well, now.
@the movement I tested the movement in YAPE and it bugs. Under VICE and minus4w, no bugs. I think there must be a bug in YAPE.
This is the code: 1017 j=0:color1,10,7:fori=0to100:ifjoy(1)=128orpeek(198)=60theni=100:a=999:gosub1202 1019 ify>14and(joy(1)=1orpeek(198)=43)thengosub1201:char,15,y," ":y=y-2:i=0 1020 ify<18and(joy(1)=5orpeek(198)=40)thengosub1201:char,15,y," ":y=y+2:i=0 1021 color1,10,j:char,15,y,">":j=j+1:ifj>7thenj=0 1022 nEi
1201 fort=8to0step-1:sound3,750,1:volt:next:return 1202 fort=8to0step-1:sound3,100,4:volt:next:return
Posted By
 Luca on 2017-07-31 10:32:47
 | Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
Mh...  The bugs can be seen on any emulator: in any menu, keep pressing cursor down until it moves...up 
Posted By
 RKSoft on 2017-07-31 10:48:51
 | Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
Strange. You can remove the joy(1) commands and test it again. Maybe, it makes conflicts between joystick and keyboard via peek? I had the same strange bug on an earlier version which i had joy(1) and peek(198) in the same game maincode. After this, i seperate the joystick and keyboard code. Thats why you can play the game only with keyboard or joystick and not both at the same time (except the menu in the titlescreen).
Posted By
 Csabo on 2017-07-31 11:20:40
| Re: New game Bomb Runner 2
Isn't the subroutine in line 1202 exactly the same as in line 72? Seems like you don't need this twice. (Additionally, you might want to move all those to the "top" of the code to make it run faster.)