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on 2017-07-17
 Winter "Hiss!" Coming

Nothing But PET SKIHot sweaty summer there, Boreal half people? Melancholy remembering the snow? Need some more *purrr*?

No worries at all: Fit is coming to you with the right release for you: Nothing But PET SKI is nothing but...err...well, PETSCII of a kitty pet, indeed. Oh, and ski, ski of course! Another lovely PETSCII animation demo coded by Marq with SID music by Yzi and graphics by Dr. TerrorZ. The Plus/4 pushes colors to the max, improving the C64 twin released, which has been presented at Vammala Party 23 where it's been ranked 3rd in the Mixed Demo competition.

Thank you Finnish pals, anybody hope to see more from you.
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on 2017-07-17
 Re: Winter "Hiss!" Coming

I'm glad they didn't procatstinate and took a mewment to purrt it to the Plussy. The meowsician did a good job, the gfx is purrfect, it's a clawsome demo with cattitude.

My only complaint is the SID selector in the beginning, on my tablet, I can't type into the JavaScript emulator. Autodetection or simply writing to both addresses would have been the best, failing that, let the demo continue without user input after a few seconds. Oh well, I'll watch it on my PC when I get back from my vacation... (wait for it...) next Caturday.
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on 2017-07-17
 Re: Winter "Hiss!" Coming

It almost looks like smoothscrolling, very nice release and I am with Csabo it's purrfect gfx wise.
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on 2017-07-17
 Re: Winter "Hiss!" Coming

To follow up on the SID address selector: I agree it's not any optimal solution, but we didn't have time for devising a finer one at that point. Next time an autodetection routine, I promise happy How common are those cards at $FE80 in reality – is it really necessary to even support other than $FD40?
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on 2017-07-18
 Re: Winter "Hiss!" Coming

Csabó! LOL happy
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on 2017-07-18
 Re: Winter "Hiss!" Coming

my oldie solder sid card works at fe80 grin

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