Posted By
 MMS on 2016-12-13 16:47:02
 | Re: Pepto palette for TED?
Well it is interesting, but just discussed this dithering topic with someone, and I have a sample picture we checked in more details.
The first is the HFLI picture converted with Plus4Emu's GFX converted some month ago, and after some finetuning on the original picture, I was rather satisfied with the end result (except some parts I still need to improve, like reduce white dots on the neck, one bad pixel above eyebrow, next to the lips a dark one and the upper line on the picture (It was not there on the original)) As far as I know there is no HFLI editor/crosstool exist with Plus4 palette, so I did it in this way, but maybe I was just not smart enough :-)
This is how it looks on my Dell Ultrasharp with Plus4Emu's Quality3 setting. Made with my Samsung phone, 8MP. (sorry for the size of the pics, but when I started to reduce the original 8Megapixel files something close to the 640x400, the important small details started to disappear due to dithering. so I tried to keep a little higher resolution, but with small uploaded filesize)
Till today I think it is one of the most faithful reproduction of the CRT's color washing effect and the rasterlines look very similar to the one1s I saw on my parents Orion Viking CRT TV I spent some hundred hours with (+C16).
(how Plus4Emu reaches it, I do not know completely, as i remember uses it some OpenGL libraries for that. As far as I can see (and you can freely play a lot with them): Quality0 is the pure pixels a on LCD. Quality1 is strong motion blur effect, Quality2 does something with the edges (simulation the CRT not-so-digital picture), and Quality3 adds the scanlines to the previous two,and I REALLY like it, look very similar to what I saw on CRTs))
When you take the original HFLI picture with Quality0 it does not look SOO impressive. To say the least
I suppose most of the people checked my FLI slideshows (I released in the last years) with YAPE and sharply set pixel exacts picture emulation, and they could be less impressed with the end-result that me with Plus4Emu Quality 3 settings. (OK, some of the pics on the final releases were really lame) 
Just to mention: try to check some of the FLI slideshows with that Plus4emu Quality3 setting. Really nice end result. Certainly the same could be done with color pictures too, but... I feel the B&W pictures fit the most :-) |