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on 2016-11-13
 Take this life energy - new pic

Hi All
Here's a C+4 version (MFLI) of my latest image I made on C64 for Syntax party in australia.
Enjoy. and Wait for more. More pics is coming wink


Posted By

on 2016-11-13
 Re: Take this life energy - new pic

Amazing as always. However, there are two things that I'd like to complain about. First is the foreheads. Both versions look quite unappealing there, with those large blobs in the middle. They need some more tender loving dithering. Second is the orb and the moon in the Plus/4 version. Those, compared to the C64 picture, lost quite some definition. It is not much of a problem with the moon, or it may even add to the mysterious mood, but I find it quite problematic with the central motif of the picture. That orb lost some of its emphatic presence that it has in the C64 version.

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on 2016-11-13
 Re: Take this life energy - new pic

very nice

Posted By

on 2016-11-13
 Re: Take this life energy - new pic

I instantly searched for a Plus/4 version on your blog once I've seen the former C64 release, and now it's out after few hours. Great one!

Posted By

on 2016-11-13
 Re: Take this life energy - new pic

Thanks. I know you visit my blog often. which makes me wanna run it. You'll be not disappointed soon I hope wink

On the pic itself, here's what I commented on CSDB:

This pic is not finished but I wanted to participate in the compo so much (felt like I promised it to Jazzcat) so here you have the result. I started real pixeling 2 days before compo and some ideas and sketching on tuesday. It's the fastest drawn pic by me so far wink
I knew it will be not perfect so as a bonus I decided to go with sprites and top/bottom border (for the first time) and I think I will exploit these areas more.

It was so fun anyway to see how this picture grows during the pixeling process that at the end I'm happy I've done it. Even though it looks like a compo filler wink

Posted By

on 2016-11-13
 Re: Take this life energy - new pic

Very nice drawing. And the right side now even looks "more worked out" because of the plus4s color changes there! Plus I really do like the C64 version, too!

Posted By

on 2016-11-13
 Re: Take this life energy - new pic

I think the orb is better on the Plus/4 version, but what you miss is the contrast of the C64 version on the moon.

Posted By

on 2016-11-14
 Re: Take this life energy - new pic

It's 2nd place, congrats!

Posted By

on 2016-11-15
 Re: Take this life energy - new pic

The Plus/4 version looks nicer, but there are a couple things I think could be better. A bit nitpicky I know but...

The face coloring is a bit flat. It doesn't give the impression it's lit by the glowing orb as much as the c64 version. A little of the glow you show on the hands maybe?

The moon doesn't look quite right. Maybe more subtle dithering for the aura?

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