Posted By
 RKSoft on 2016-06-17 10:33:17
 | C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
Does anybody found an emulator for android which can play Commodore 16/116/Plus4 games? I found it randomly.
It is a Commodore 64 & DTV, 128, PET, Plus/4 emulator for android and ... tadaaa ... Majesty of Sprites works very well on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 and on my Wiko Wax phone. Only, you need the system files that you can get it from

Posted By
 Mad on 2016-06-17 16:03:53
| Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
Wow, very nice find!!!
Posted By
 Csabo on 2016-06-18 17:25:27
| Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
$3.99, based on Vice 2.4.20? :-/
Did either one of you guys actually buy it?
Posted By
 Mad on 2016-06-18 21:14:52
| Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
Didn't try it! No appropiate phone here.. I ever thought vice !can't! handle more sophisticated stuff. For instance the Majesty of Sprites scrolllevels are not playable in Vice on Windows.. Dunno perhaps it's better to wait, Vice's xplus4 was a big disappointment almost all the time..
Posted By
 RKSoft on 2016-06-19 09:59:19
 | Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
Okay, i've uploaded some screenshots of this emulator. I played Majesty of Sprites (downloaded from Plus/4 World - normal zip-file - not the kernel version!), but not the scrollable levels. It runs smooth on my tablet. Friday, i played Big Mac to the 12.level, too.)
Take a look here (overview of screens):
Posted By
 Luca on 2016-06-19 12:43:44
 | Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
RKSoft why don't you simply test The Lands Of Zador on it, in order to instantlky see how that emulator works with multidirectional bitmap scrolling? AnVICE doesn't emulate that game for sure, and if a difference exists between the two emulators, that will be the field of challenge where to show it.
Posted By
 MMS on 2016-06-19 20:27:53
 | Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
Actually, there was a lot of interest on an Android based emulator. I agree VICE is not 100%, mabye even not 90%. But 80% is much more than 0%, please correct me if I am wrong. I read about the VICE Plus/4 part weakness, it lost it's TED expert support almost 6-7 years ago. Since then only very slow upgrades were available.
Posted By
 RKSoft on 2016-06-20 09:44:20
 | Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
The Lands of Zador doesn't work. It loads the first prg and after the question about fastloader, the emulator crashs on my tab. I tested this game on WinVICE 2.4, too, and it loads the game but inlevel the graphics corrupt.
I think, C64.emu works with older games (Big Mac, Mr.Puniverse, Tutti Frutti, Kikstart etc.) but not with newer games like TLoZ or MOS.
Posted By
 bubis on 2016-06-24 18:17:11
| Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
Hey Csabo!
Yes, I did and it's worth it. I have a nice Android dev env now using - Termux for coding and C64.emu for testing and - in Termux I installed gcc, g++, clang, make, nano (using: apt install ...) and - in Termux I compiled asl, ca65, exomizer, mkd64
So, I have everything to rock some bytes. 
Posted By
 bubis on 2017-04-07 18:21:12
| Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
Hi Guys,
Just an update: VICE 3.0 is available for Android and can be downloaded from here:
This is the port of the SDL version and it even has the standard vice monitor, so debugging is also possible. (Press F12 on your (virtual) keyboard for menu and select monitor. I couldn't set up shortcuts yet, but it should be possible.)
Posted By
 Luca on 2017-04-08 02:34:19
 | Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
I was expectind the (ALL) version with all the VICE emulators altogether just like AnVICE V2.4.3, but they didn't compile it for 3.0; then, I waited for the same when VICE 3.1 has been released, but nothing jumped out. The problem is that if you install one of those, you can't install the other one. So, I've asked for hints in the official chat, and they told me that nobody in particular was currently managing the android versions, and I couldn't expexct a (ALL) version to be out soon Overall: I'm keeping my AnVICE 2.4.3 (ALL) installed and on.
Posted By
 bubis on 2017-04-08 04:22:00
| Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
Hi Luca,
Older releases didn't work on my tablet (Samsung Galaxy S2) at all, so it was a pleasant surprise to see 3.0 working, and I just discovered that it has the monitor too, what is great!  I am coding again, expect a demo in a few years time! 
Regards, Andras
Posted By
 Luca on 2017-04-08 05:19:23
 | Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
Few years only! Have to prepare myself then  No kidding, now I'm expecting a demo in the next days 
Posted By
 Mad on 2017-04-09 08:08:06
| Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
So I am hoping now for a Revision release then, will watch it at the stream! Let's see if some oldschooler did some stuff! 
edit: can't wait to see some new stuff by you!
Posted By
 bubis on 2017-04-09 15:02:35
| Re: C64.emu - Plus/4 emulator for Android
I am not joking, it won't be soon. I will not let any party date rush me, there will be no compromise.