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on 2016-03-06
 Tilemap editor

Hi guys.
I was wondering if theres any tile maps editor for games on C+4.
I did a quick search on the software section but haven't find anything.
So how were all the tile based games developed? are there any tilemap tools in existence?
Or maybe you have some other ways to do tile maps for c+4?

ofcoz I can use C64 tools but I think of using c+4 colors for tiles so c64 tools will help only with char data and not the color maps of the tiles.

Posted By

on 2016-03-06
 Re: Tilemap editor

AFAIK there aren't any, either Plus/4 native or PC software. My guess is that the C64 ones will probably work, since the data outputted should be mostly system independent.

Posted By

on 2016-03-11
 Re: Tilemap editor

Well. I expected that there's no tile editor for C+4
Ofcoz I can use C64 tools even the latests chirped which run on Windows, but...
my idea was to play/try the char mode tiles using C+4 colors palette. I'd like to try to combine hires/lores chars (using first 8 colors + their luminaces attributes for chires tiles).
I have some suspicions that it may look really kool - like for example in some new game I saw lately here on plus4World.
Well I think I'll try to write some simple code to emulate it.

But imagine having these nice parallax scrolls like on c64 Hard'n'Heavy or Katakis but with c+4 colors. I think I'll try it myself. Will post my research results if/when available.

Posted By

on 2016-03-11
 Re: Tilemap editor

I think some of us have some kind of inhouse editor for creating games. They just are not so polished, etc.

Posted By

on 2016-03-12
 Re: Tilemap editor

I think it would be a good idea to have such a tool. However I just need a lightweight GUI library in C++ for it. If anyone has suggestions I would be very kind. There shouldn't be much library linking stuff, though. I have seen to many overblown GUI libraries like QT and so on already, so just some good smallweight ones please.

Or perhaps just the sourcecode for a C64 tool.
edit: I send a private message to the author of charpad to provide the sources. Let's see what happens. ( Hopefully it's C++ :) )

By the way, if you want to do a real game, you must find a way to blit the sprites also in the characters already colored. Would be pretty impossible if you have hires. The only possibiliy I currently see is a big black halo around the sprites.

@kichy: Here the same with the inhouse tools.

Edit2: Apparently it is possible to move sprites over a hires background in multicolor. You just have to convert the hires char behind the sprite into a multicolor char. So if you do the tilesets perhaps I can do the game. :)

Posted By

on 2016-03-26
 Re: Tilemap editor

This tile editor looks interesting: http://retro.moe/tag/vchar64/
It's for the C64 and it has optional palettes. All the current palettes are for the C64 though.

Posted By

on 2016-03-26
 Re: Tilemap editor

@Mad: how about WTL (Windows Template Library)? Extremely lightweight (header only in fact) albeit not cross-platform. Somehow I believe x-platform and light weight are mutually exclusive. Another option could be SDL - but it's not a GUI. Perhaps you could use normal HTML and Javascript to cater for that but I am not sure how well it'd work.

Posted By

on 2016-03-27
 Re: Tilemap editor

@Gaia: I have found some lib i think. It's 'nana' it's not exactly lightweight, however I think I can do some tilemap editor with it within the next week. happy (I looked on several GUI libs now and all of them seemed pretty strange.)

Posted By

on 2016-03-28
 Re: Tilemap editor

I have to say that i'm verry interested i testing any of tile maps editors for c+4
though I think hacking chirped is probably the best option nowadays. isn't it?

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