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Tadeusz Zawadowski
on 2015-12-13

Since 1986 I worked on the C16. In addition to copy the system I am the author of the RAM expansion up to 250 KB disk and software framework. In addition, I increased the RAM drive in 1541 to 8 KB and developed parallel transmission with the C16. I also did Cartridge DIGIMUZ (AY-8910), which increased the possibilities of musical C16, along with additional features BASIC developed for new musical possibilities. I also wrote a lot of utility programs such testing digital circuits TTL (including Extensions hardware) etc.
If I join your group would gladly when he mentioned the C16 happy
Greetings Tadeusz Zawadowski
Translation from automatic Google - I do not know English well.

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on 2015-12-13
 Re: members

Hello! Welcome to the site! I received your email as well and sent a reply.

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on 2015-12-13
 Re: members

Sound to be a nice hardware, the same 3 channel sound generator used by the ZX Spectrum 128, AMSTRAD CPC or even Atari ST. Respect!
Is there any way to see, how it worked?

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on 2015-12-14
 Re: members

Czesc happy

We only know a very little about the Polish C16 scene in the 80s and in general. Furthermore, your hardware projects sound very interesting!

There's another active Polish user here (carrion) and he might help you with translations.

Anyway … Welcome happy

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on 2015-12-14
 Re: members

Welcome here Tadeusz! We'd just got a program you coded in the past: Copy System +4.

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on 2015-12-14
 Re: members

Me too I had coded new Basic commands to easy write/play music.
Anyway we all are hungry to see your utilities, thank you grin

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