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on 2015-09-25
 10 Computer Hits 3

A couple of days ago, I ordered the above title from eBay, 10 C16/plus 4 games I don't have all for a nominal sum sounded fantastic. Yesterday the seller emailed me to say that the box only contained tape B, and offered a full refund which I felt was an honest and decent thing to do, I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I still wouldn't mind having tape B because it would still contain games I didn't have and for a growing 264 games collection that can only be a great thing right?
So I asked whether I could proceed with the order but at a reduced price or whether they could maybe throw in another game that I could have so they didn't make a loss on the deal and I would end up being happy with my part of the bargain, this they were prepared to do and as I was offered a copy of Ikari Warriors I was very pleased. Does anyone have this compilation and if so can they tell me what games I might find on it? As I say the whole transaction is not particularly costly so nobody loses on the deal I am just curious as to what part of the compilation I will end up with so....... .thanks in advance for the anticipated info!
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on 2015-09-25
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3

Hi there,

Do you mean this one? 10 Computer Hits 3

If not, you could try this: click Software from the main menu, make sure Games is selected (should be the default), then click "Compilations". This will list all the known game compilations, such as the one you're looking for.
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on 2015-09-26
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3

Cheers Csabo, I did check that but it has a list of the ten games not what is on tape A and tape B, I'm guessing games 1 to 5 are tape A and games 6 - 10 are tape B. If that's the case I am doomed to a longer wait for Death Race 16. Grrrrrr!!!!!
Posted By

on 2015-10-28
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3

A bit late...

Believe it or not Sidney you hit the jackpot with Tape B for the simple fact that Space Pilot is not only a C16/Plus4 gem but is mega rare in any form! Just having a copy even if it is the re-release is the main thing.
Tape A would of been nice sure, and yeah that Death Race 16 does have Novaload if I recall correct in this collection but the game it's self is common and easy to get hold of in it's original form, (a non-turbo loader).

The most important thing was Space Pilot!

Here's my note of what is on each tape which might be useful as a reference:
Posted By

on 2015-10-31
 Re: 10 Computer Hits 3

Cheers Mik, That is a helpful batch of info so thanks for that, I certainly didn't know anything about Space Pilot but I have to say that I am really enjoying playing it, so that news is the icing on the cake, it is my favourite game on the tape!
I would love to acquire the other half of that compilation though, particularly Death Race 16!

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