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Posted By

on 2002-12-12
 Csabo -> Finished!!!

Ok, rulez.org is now full like a chicken egg!

Csabo, in /pub/plus4/__CSABO__ there are some programs I can't understand for sorting. Thus, FIRST watch them amd move to the appropriate folder if you'll recognize their category, and THEN let crawls!

Posted By

on 2002-12-13

Awari: logical board game
Boszorkanykonya: (witch kitchen) educational/chemistry
Conway: misc
Datamaster: this is german, I don't know the password
Disk Bl. lanc: (disk block links) utility/disk
Földrajz (geography): educational
Gep Vez = Gépjármû Vezetés (Vehicle Driving): educational
Orbit F: utility/compression (some kind of bitpacker)

Posted By

on 2002-12-13
 Ok, done, plus...

I added too:
- Botticelli (it's the HiRes brother of MultiBotticelli)
- Speech +4
- Digi drums

Posted By

on 2003-01-15
 Néhány adat az arcok listájához!

Hali arcok!
Ez a site a megtestesült csoda. Nagyon tetszik...
Most leleplezem a nagy titkokat happy
- Tomytron eredeti neve: SZÉP Tamás
- Paulus Zoltán beceneve SUPY
- Zalka Ern0 még VANGUARD néven ismeretes.
- KNM - Kecsketestű Nagy Miklós
- Kosír Attila - The Mad valóban őrült.
Légyszi írjatok, hogy milyen info kell még és küldöm!

Good Byte!

Körber László (mail@metamorph.hu)
Boomby (The only one original)

u.i. Hogy regisztráljam magam, ha már elfoglalom a saját nevem? happy

 A few more pieces of info for the list of faces!

Hi faces!
This site is a miracle. I love it...
I will now reveal the big secrets
- Tomytron's original name is: Tamás SZÉP
- Paulus Zoltán's nick is SUPY
- Zalka Ern0 is also known as VANGUARD.
- KNM - Kecsketestű Nagy Miklós
- Kosír Attila - The Mad is in fact insane.
Please write to me about what other pieces of info you need and I will send it!

Good Byte!

László Körber (mail@metamorph.hu)
Boomby (The only one original)

p.s. How can I register if my nick is already taken?

Posted By

on 2003-01-15
 Re: Boomby

Hi Boomby,

(Remélem beszélsz angolul, ha nem, írj nekem. Sokan vagyunk itt magyarok, de még többen nem.)

Thanks for the infos! Zoltán Paulus and Supy were already in the database, we just didn't know it's the same guy. "Vanguard" is also already in, and according to Ern0 (I corresponded with him a while ago), it's his group, not his own handle. There was also another hungarian guy in that group, ADT(?) Tamás somebody. Ratt said that KNM stands for "Kiss Nagy Miklós", but I've saved both versions (yours is funnier). Attila Kosír: okay, I know that that's his handle, so what's your point wink

I've saved your email address, so if you try to log on, you will receive a temporary password (which you can later change).

What else do we need? Let me see. Well, pretty much anything you can remember! Remember BPL Demo? They talk about 3 commercial releases in the scrolltext, but I've only seen one (Mesel az erdo). What happened to the rest? What's up with Soundtracker +4 (e.g. who wrote it, when was it originally released, etc.) Do you remember any more of your own releases? Only 5 things are listed under your name, there must have been more. Do you have any original programs? We *badly* need original Novotrade scans/manuals/tapes, anything from that era. Let me know what you have!

Posted By

on 2003-01-15

There is an Ntsc version, based on Botticelli with additional tweaks and tools, called Advanced Artist +4

Posted By

on 2003-01-15

nice to hear you, sort of divine myth of passe times! happy

wanna see it, where can I find it?

Posted By

on 2003-01-16
 Okay Luca

Can you accept a D81 zipped on your Hotmail as an attachment?

Posted By

on 2003-01-16
 Csabo.. a question..

James C or I can supply you with the original expanded files on any of those .SDA files I uploaded to Funet, years ago. It DOES take a real plus4 with a 1541 drive to de=arc them. I see in your cardgames section that you are mirroring the SDAs from Rulez. Do you want the games in Pal usuable format? I think all of those were Ntsc. That was a mistake, living on this side of the pond, and I later rewrote them to detect Ntsc/Pal. The card fonts are created in Graphic Mode so they were machine sensitive. That is only true on a genuine Plus4. The Emus don't seem to care... or the Rom images are easily replaced with the proper mode, now that James C has the Ntsc Rom images on his site. Since they load ML modules and fonts, they should be contained in a D64 image. It is easy enough for me to transfer the individual games into empty D64 images then Zip them. Won't take up much more space that the SDAs, that way. Or, I have them in D64 and D81 images in groups with a menu... You call it... Just note that they should be run with 1541 emulation turned on, on the Emus

Posted By

on 2003-01-16

You can grab the Ntsc version of the graphics pgm at:
I wrote docs for it. There is also a companion program for Hires or Multicolor.
I will bundle the proggies and utils and upload them tonight


Posted By

on 2003-01-17
 Luca, Did you pull the files?

I will be dumping those files off my server Monday to make room for other stuff.

Posted By

on 2003-01-17
 Jim -->

I will archive those files this weekend. If you can leave them til you see them on cbm264, that would be great. I should have this done by Sunday.

Posted By

on 2003-01-18

Sorry for the delay, but here's my answer to the question. I guess I'm fine with the NTSC versions of these games, since I have both NTSC and PAL plussies running here at home... By the way, I was able to open the SDF files with the emus and stuff (that's how I created the screenshot for Aces Up, but I was too lazy to create screenshots for the others happy) I used Star Commander to copy the SDF.PRG into a new empty D64, then ran the file with VICE. It expanded nicely. The resulting D64 image runs well (or partially) on several emus.

Posted By

on 2003-01-18
 Sounds good!

I was just used to dealing with real Plus4s. Either had to rewrite to Ntsc or make combo Ntsc/Pal versions of everything. I know that the Emus don't seem to care, for the most part, but I'm always curious about timing differences (50/60hz) and how they may diddle with normal operation in some of the graphic modes. Anyway the ones that I posted to James and Luca were setup to specifically detect machine type and run properly on either a real Ntsc or real Pal Plus4.

I'm glad that you were able to dissolve the SDA files on something besides an real Plus4. When I started doing the SDAs, it was more convenient for Marko to post that form on Funet. I think that Mike was just starting with the Minus4 Emu, during that period. The Plus4 versions of Lynx, Lib, Arc that I wrote were useful but a lot of new folks just couldn't get the hang of the archivers... so the SDA was just the best route, at the time. Didn't count on the advances in the Emus! You can see, from Vice and CCS64, that decent drive emulation is possible.

You ought to atleast grab a screen from one of the newer ones, like Freecell or RotatoPoker or something. Aces up was pretty old.

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