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on 2002-12-10
 Croatian(?) game found!

Here is Slagalica, a game from 1987. Just been added to the database. What's so special about it? As far as I can tell, it's written in Croatian! (I don't speak one word of croatian though, so I could be wrong.) That's pretty rare! This means that a) either the plussy was more widespread than we though - someone in Croatia had one, or b) this Croatian speaking fellow developed the game in another country? Who knows.

This raises a pretty interesting question, though: in how many counties did they sell C= 264 family products?

I guess we know right away USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Hungary. We know that there we plussies in Romania and Norway, but I'm not sure whether they sold them there or people just bought them in another country... Who knows other countries? Has anyone in Russia had one? Or China? happy

Posted By

on 2002-12-10

When I'd started to upload my stuff on rulez.org years ago, I jumped lotta stuff o'this kind... Maybe I've to jump back and redo... :_(

Posted By

on 2002-12-10

If you want, why not. I guess we had different goals... Mine is to catalog EVERY software, programmer and group for the Plus/4. Oh BTW I forgot Italy and Austria for sure!

Posted By

on 2002-12-10
 More sales locations

The Plus/4 was __given away__ to deaf persons by the local phone companies in Norway for use as TTY devices. Also, the Plus/4 was sold briefly in France and Australia, and Commodore Japan assembled the 116 and 232, so some may have been distributed there unofficially.

Posted By

on 2002-12-10
 I had my C116 & Plus4 in Slovakia

But it was not sold there, it was 'imported' from Germany

Posted By

on 2002-12-10

I was reading this topic, while sorting TomHX softpack, and in that moment I spotted an Italian adventure game! happy

Posted By

on 2002-12-10

Luca --> There's a few of those around... Was it the one that an italian fellow was looking for a while ago? I gotta implement forum search!

Noro --> Can you confirm that it's Croatian? Maybe it's easier for you to identify... I can tell apart Romanian/Russian/Check-Slovak or Polish easily, but not that familiar with Croatian, Bulgarian, etc.

Posted By

on 2002-12-11
 Not sure

I am not sure about the language. It looks to me like Croatian too, but it could also be any of the other former Yugoslavian languages ( Slovenian, Serbian).
The differences are quite small, even smaller then Czech-Slovak.

Posted By

on 2002-12-11
 The plot thickens

I got a letter from the game's author!!! happy I wrote to him asking a bunch of questions, with the help of a Croatian speaking friend (that's one of the best things about Canada, there's always someone around who speaks whatever language wink). This friend also translated the game's title and the opening screen text.

Posted By

on 2002-12-18
 Reply from the author

I have received a reply. It is now translated to English. I figured it would be nice to post it here... Hear the words of a fellow Plus/4'er from Croatia.


I would like to thank you for Slagalica. It's nice to be reminded of old good times and the very beginning of information age. I visited you webpage and I visited your emulator. I tested my Slagalica right away. That picture I sent you is an original print MPS 801.

I wrote approximately 20 programs for Commodore Plus/4 (Labirint, Vjesala "Hangman", Program za crtanje "Drafting program", Text processor, and a couple of music programs). Unfortunately right now I don't have any of them.

As far as I know in Croatia nobody wrote programs for the C+4. I remember only one person I had exchanged programs with. It is Robert Odnikovic. He lives in Varazdinu. His website you can find on Google. You can ask him if he has any programs.

I purchased my C+4 in a shop in Zagreb. I looked around a bit in computer shops in Croatia, and the only thing I can tell you is that it's not availble anywhere.

Feel free to link to my page. If you are interested in my programs for the PC, give me a note.



I've posted that picture he mentions on the Slagalica details page. Now, did "Robert Odnikovic" ring a bell with anyone? For me it did: McStoney. I found his site and with the help of my Croatian friend another email is already on its way... happy

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