Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-07
 | [Csabo] My selection goes on
I just finished E folder. I'm discarting I-just-have, nonworking and too-shitty-to-get programs, but the rest will be uploaded. Now working....
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-09
| Two more new
Check out Mystika and Lazer 900. I dug them up from D64 recall. They need to go up to rulez as well. I kept working on indexing existsing files from the web, look under New Uploads. There's a few demos which need to be uploaded.
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-09
 | WIP
"20 Blocks" was just present in /Demos/_Unsorted folder, simply moved. At the end of this big selection, I'll upload the original Future Composer for +4. Muffbusters.da64 is simply, just present.
Once E was completed, and the missings of "New Uploads" were placed, I have 91 files ready to be sorted in (92 if considering Future Composer). Let's continue! 
Csabo, we're 2 real Saints! 
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-09
 | About Tron2
In the Database, Tron V2, Tron 2, Tron 3, are the same TIT game....personally I ever known it as Tron 3...
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-09
| Issues
I knew about 20 blocks, I just didn't re-crawl it that one last time (but I will tomorrow). Also the database had an error: MB Megademo and MB Demo were listed as one program (so I had to open a new record).
I dunno about saint, but we are getting a lot of stuff done. This kind of research/archiving work is a lot of fun for me, that's why I keep doing it.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-09
| Wow!
We posted the previous messages at almost the same time... Anyway, I look into it tomorrow.
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-09
 | Important
LOL! You're right: it's very FUN!  I'd just found a Dynamoid (polish?) hack and a neverseenbefore Novotrade game called "Hidra"!
BTW, I'm gonna rename Head_Over_Heels.prg to Head_Over_Heels_Trained.prg, coz I'd found a 'pure' version.
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-09
 | K finished!
..and 170 files to archive until now!  Ah, Csabo! At the end, you should help me in recognize some Hungarian stuff I can't...
I'd seen things that you humans....
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-10
 | Restarting from L
Ok, let continue. BTW, FutureComposer versions are now correct and all present, you'll recrawl on them at the very end of the job.
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-10
 | Same stuff
In /Demos/Muffbusters, I want to remove MOGB_III (IV and V) coz I uploaded with their extended name; In /Games/l/, I'm going to delete the 12288bytes version of Las_Vegas, because it is only badly whole-memory saved.
Csabo, write me if it's OK for you.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-10
| Yes
Sure, go ahead. Did I mention Overload and Overload 2+?
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-10
 | Overload killed
...btw I'd got the SID version somewhere...mmmm... BTW, I have also the Nagy Tamas Speech, didn't mind it could be interesting, I'll upload!
Oh my God, how many nice prgzzz here! 
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-10
 | The 2nd!
Tron 2 found! The dramatic Tron Saga is finally complete!
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-11
| Mags
I've dug up and uploaded the following mags to rulez:
Terrible Page 01 (not pages), Nukepaper 1,2,3,5, SCN News 22, IMBK News 9, Scene News 1,2.
Exchanged letters with Marko Makela, he says I send him stuff to upload, so I will start getting the missing stuff together for FUNET.FI. Next I will post the missing rulez list here, stay tuned.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-11
| Rulez Missing
Luca, here is what's missing from rulez: missing file list. 295 on the list, but 103 out of those is missing completely, those are records only. When you have time, you can go through it, and upload any missing stuff.
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-12
 | Infoz
Ok, I'll integrate with missing files too. I won't insert the "namefile info" files, coz they're part of the whole stuff, e.g. my LogoCompo's info, why apart of main program? At this point you must do the same for any megademo's infofile!
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-12
 | Ah, forgot!
..and I'll try to avoid inserting any useless shitty hack of games, and .tap format stuff.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-12
| Dup
Bongo_Construction_Set is just the regular Bongo.
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-12
 | Some...
Shaloin.prg simply is Shaolin.prg with wrong name Ringwars was released in GOTU_Megadisk_1.
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-12
 | ...
TLMB.prg = The_Little_Music_Box_4.prg
I think that the crawler can resolve the remaining incongruences...