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on 2015-02-20
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

To create a partition/subdir:
PRINT# X,"/0:SubdirName,"+CHR$(TR)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(SE-INT(SE/256)*256)+CHR$(SE/256)+",C"
then in your example:
PRINT# X,"/0:SubdirName,"+CHR$(1)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(24)+CHR$(6)+",C" (24=$18 6=$6 $618=1560 sectors SE) *EDITED LINE*
After the creation you must format the new partition by HEADER command.

To enter a partition/subdir:
PRINT# X,"/0:SubdirName"

After the command, you can read the Error-channel where "02" will inform you about the successful of operation AND about the dimension of that partition (Starting_track TR, Ending_track TR+SE-1). If you want to create another partition inside the current one, you can set any zone from Starting_track+1 to Ending_track.

I don't know if VICE manages full 1581 features; YAPE does!

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