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Posted By

on 2015-02-09
 Directory Browser

Directory Browser V1.0February is here, and today it's Epy who pumps a little life into our scene's beating heart with Directory Browser V1.0. It's a little utility, based on code from his SID player, and as the name suggests, it's for... browsing directories :-) Check it out, you might find it useful. Be sure to give feedback on the forums!

Posted By

on 2015-02-14
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

I just downloaded and tested it on real machine. look kool, better than file browser which I used till today. Will switch to this tool, but...
but some turbo loader would be kool to have. some files take sooo long to load.

Posted By

on 2015-02-14
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

Thanks Carrion. Which drive do you use, real 1541 or SD2IEC?

Posted By

on 2015-02-14
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

I have SD2iec as my main drive.

Posted By

on 2015-02-14
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

Unfortunately there's no turbo loader for SD2IEC on Plus/4. I recommend to use JiffyDOS, it's incredible fast.

Posted By

on 2015-02-15
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

Since it is listed the number of dirs, I suppose the SW is able to read Diectories and SubDirectories, like when using a 1581? happy
If it is the case, then

Posted By

on 2015-02-15
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

It cannot. I created a d81 disk image with DirMaster, I created a subdir on this image. The extension of the subdir is 'cbm'. I tried to open it in Yape like this: open 1,8,15''cd:dirname":close1 but it didn't succeed. I don't know how to open a d81 subdir.

Posted By

on 2015-02-15
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

@Epy: To enter (look: enter not "open") inside a subdirectory you have to use:
PRINT#15,"/0:subdir name"
when inside, all commands (dir, validate, header, etc.) do work only for the area, data and files inside the subdir partition.
PRINT#15,"/" will return control to root directory.

Posted By

on 2015-02-16
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

Thanks the solution. I will include it.

Posted By

on 2015-02-19
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

wait, wait, wait
so you say it's possible to create a subdir on 1581?
how do I create this subdir?
Is it a feature of 1581 dos or a software hack on the computer side?

Posted By

on 2015-02-20
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

TR = starting track number (1 through 78, and cannot overlap track 40)
SS = starting sector (must be zero)
SE = number of sectors (must be 120 or more, AND must be a multiple of 40)
The partition name is max 16 characters, same length as file name or disk name.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the requested tracks and sectors are not already in use!

1 OPEN 15,8,15
2 PRINT#15, "/0:partition name" + CHR$( TR ) + CHR$ ( SS ) + CHR$( low btye of SE ) + CHR$( high byte of SE ) + ",C"
4 CLOSE 15

Once created, you can enter the partition by:
1 OPEN 15,8,15
2 PRINT#15, "/0:partition name"
3 CLOSE 15

Upon first creating and then entering the partition, it must be formatted before it can be used. HEADER "my partition", I01, D0, U8

Posted By

on 2015-02-19
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

@carrion: really they are partitions, but can be used as subdir with assigned space.
This because they can be nested, that is each partition can have further partitions inside it (I believe there are no limit of levels).
The syntax and parameters are what above described by JamesC.

Warnings: all partition creations from the root level are checked by DOS in order to not include the disk BAM (track 40). Lower levels partition creations are not checked, then programmer has the responsibility to not include in the new partition the BAM track of the current partition. This is not complicated because it is always the first track of (current) partition area.

The navigation inside are easy, just PRINT#x,"/0:partition-name" to enter in.
Only the navigation backward is not implemented. Then it is suggested to go to root (PRINT#x,"/") and if the case go ahead.

And yes, this all is part of standard DOS of 1581 drive.

Posted By

on 2015-02-20
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

thanks JamesC and SVS
I also found this before you replied: http://www.reocities.com/SiliconValley/heights/5540/1581partitions.htm but I have problems trying it.
First of, does will it work on Vice and 1581 emulation? if not then I'll try it on real 1581 this weekend.
Second thing, how do I figure out SS and SE parameters? anu hints how I can do it on freshly formated 3,5'' disc?
let's say I want additional partitions (one subdir) of the size of half of the disc. how do I do it?

Posted By

on 2015-02-20
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

I edited yesterday's post to reflect that the partition (subdirectory) needs to be formatted before use.

1. I don't know. Maybe a VICE user can answer.

2. You can only use whole tracks in a partition. There are 80 tracks on a 1581, each track holding 40 blocks. Track 40 is reserved for the root directory. On a blank 1581 disk, this results in 3160 blocks free.

Therefore the largest partition possibilities are:
a. Tracks 1 through 39 (x 40 blocks each = 1560 blocks)
b. Tracks 41 through 80 (x 40 blocks each = 1600 blocks)

To reserve tracks 1 through 39: 1560 / 255 = 6 with 30 remaining:
PRINT#15, "/0:partition name"+CHR$(1)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(30)+CHR$(6)+",C"

To reserve tracks 41 through 80: 1600 / 255 = 6 with 70 remaining:
PRINT#15, "/0:partition name"+CHR$(41)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(70)+CHR$(6)+",C"

Remember to enter your new partition, and then HEADER it, before trying to store anything in it. :)

I think it handy to have several 1541-size partitions on a 1581:
a. Tracks 1 through 17 (680 blocks - track 1 reserved for directory = 640 blocks free)
b. Tracks 18 through 34 (680 blocks - track 18 reserved for directory = 640 blocks free)
c. Tracks 47 through 63 (680 blocks - track 47 reserved for directory = 640 blocks free)
d. Tracks 64 through 80 (680 blocks - track 64 reserved for directory = 640 blocks free)
... leaving tracks 35 through 39, and 41 through 46, for programs/data in the root directory (440 blocks free).

To create the 1541-size partitions, you could use this line, where TR is the starting track from a through d:
PRINT#15, "/0:partition name"+CHR$( TR )+CHR$(0)+CHR$(170)+CHR$(2)+",C"

Posted By

on 2015-02-20
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

To create a partition/subdir:
PRINT# X,"/0:SubdirName,"+CHR$(TR)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(SE-INT(SE/256)*256)+CHR$(SE/256)+",C"
then in your example:
PRINT# X,"/0:SubdirName,"+CHR$(1)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(24)+CHR$(6)+",C" (24=$18 6=$6 $618=1560 sectors SE) *EDITED LINE*
After the creation you must format the new partition by HEADER command.

To enter a partition/subdir:
PRINT# X,"/0:SubdirName"

After the command, you can read the Error-channel where "02" will inform you about the successful of operation AND about the dimension of that partition (Starting_track TR, Ending_track TR+SE-1). If you want to create another partition inside the current one, you can set any zone from Starting_track+1 to Ending_track.

I don't know if VICE manages full 1581 features; YAPE does!

Posted By

on 2015-02-21
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

thanks a lot for the help. I created small basic program to create partitions for my use. and it works fine, but it would be cool if dir browser supports partition creation and formating. that would be cool.

on vice vs yape: i wasn't able to do it in vice. yape workd fine as SVS mentioned.

Posted By

on 2015-02-23
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

Sorry, I made this browser for only reading discs and SD2IEC. The d81 subdirectory handling will be included in the next version as I said. I'm thinking about to develop a Total Commander style program like in Windows, in that utility can be included creating and formatting d81 partitions.

Posted By

on 2015-02-22
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

It would be nice to use something like CBM-Command but faster.

Posted By

on 2015-02-22
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

Great, i'm in the same boat, thinking about a total commander like file browser for plussy grin if i can help in any way, please contact me!

Posted By

on 2015-02-26
 Re: Directory Browser V1.0

OK, thank you. Köszi a segítséget happy


Changes in the version 1.1:
- changed some character shapes for better reading.
- d81 directory handling (SVS and JamesC thanks the tips)
- d81 directory in green color, normal directory in gray
- can be quit by pressing commodore + q
- some keys are changed, check the help
- some bugfixes

Posted By

on 2015-02-26
 Re: Directory Browser

No exomizing?

Posted By

on 2015-02-26
 Re: Directory Browser

If I think well what you mean. I tried Cruel Cruncher but when the browser started a program, I always get syntax error in basic. I need some help.

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