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on 2014-11-27
 Playing audio of TAP files created from the YAPE emulator

Hello - long time no see happy

Way, way back in 2002, I started a thread called "Paperboy C16" which led to an explanation of how to make TAP files from prgs using YAPE. I tried it again and it works great. Unfortunately, when I try and play the sound back using the Tapwav.exe application, it says "This program only support TAP version 1". Audiotap 2.1 also won't allow playback of the file.

So what am I doing wrong? Any ideas? I'm using the most recent version of YAPE.

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on 2014-11-27
 Re: Playing audio of TAP files created from the YAPE emulator

I can't help as I have never tried or used such software... sorry.

I just wanted to say that the guys at http://www.commodore16.com/ have been posting news about a Princess box of tricks that will allow the tap files your download to be loaded directly into a real machine. Looks interesting any way. Check Nov22 and Nov10 news on the site for more info.

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on 2014-11-27
 Re: Playing audio of TAP files created from the YAPE emulator

Hey Spector that's been some break happy The TAPWAV you have been referring to is apparently only supporting so-called "full wave" TAP's. There are a few alternatives though... one of them could be using one of the tools like TAP2WAV but there had not been much effort put into those so your mileage may vary.

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