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on 2014-09-23
 plus 4 emulator for PC

I have tried some plus 4 emulators for the PC. Some are crap, they either don't work properly or too small screen to play any games. What would you say is the best plus 4 emulator for the PC that gives full screen gameplay?

Posted By

on 2014-09-23
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

Actually not a bad question. I would say WinVice. It's the only one which works for me in getting absolute full screen height & width, which I can't seem to get with Yape.

Posted By

on 2014-09-23
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

Plus4Emu you can adjust to full windows screen without the limitation of Yape. Set the display quality to 3 or 4, and you will have the CRT TV feeling too happy
Very good sound emulation, though you may play a little with disc drive settings. could be fast and less compatible, or as slow as hell and compatible like the original one grin

Posted By

on 2014-09-23
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

Try as I might with plus4emu, I just can't get it in absolute full screen mode, so that it fills the entire screen (no black bars) like I can with WinVice.

My max laptop PC screen resolution is a paltry 1366x768 btw.

Posted By

on 2014-09-23
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

Just my two pence: if you want an emulator that does full screen gameplay, at 100% speed, and complete accuracy to the Plus/4.... stay to the Plus/4 you already have.

I use emulators for quick tests, such as verifying code works before posting it, or verifying a download works before copying to a 1541. I don't expect full screen, full speed, full accuracy from an emulator, only "good enough for the need". happy

Posted By

on 2014-09-23
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

That's all very well Mr Helpfulpants but you can't take your C16/Plus4 everywhere you go such as on holiday vacation like you can with a laptop PC, can you? wink

Posted By

on 2014-09-23
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC


I know space might be an issue, if it's not or you can make room...

If you get hold of a VGA Monitor and send that picture from your laptop to it your find even Yape will be full screen. It will use the whole screen when set to run in full screen mode.
Yape will display in it's native set screen mode on a VGA screen which is something a modern laptop screen can't sync down too, all you might need to do the 1st time you use it is center the picture with the monitor options it's self for it to be stored for good. Perfect Plus/4 screen every time. wink

A 4:3 VGA CRT is the best option you could hope to have or you can get a cheap 14" LCD VGA screen from say Cash Converters for about £12, maybe Chris has one knocking about at work not being used, square one that is...

And before you say it, yeah having another screen on a laptop will be a pain.

While I can do all the above and more I actually run Yape in double size window mode and make do. I got the real hardware when I want to get serious, so have you. happy
If you want to be real hardcore then all emulators are out for playing games as they all have sound lag which sucks with some games. Try playing Joey for 10 mins on your real C16 and then try it on an emulator. Your see what I mean about sound lag... While the speed of the game should be the same the sound will be off putting and you may miss the timing of a jump. wink

Posted By

on 2014-09-24
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

Well I can hook my modern laptop upto my 42" lcd TV which has a much better screen resolution, but then I may as well just use my real C16 for that anyway. Your methods sounds too much of a pain tbh, lol.

Well I was visiting my mum for a couple of weeks this month (got home last Thursday), and so I had to make do with emulation on my laptop, I submitted a few hi-scores here during that time. WinVice works great in fullscreen, so that's the closest I can kinda get to my real C16 while I'm away.

I doubt that nothing is ever going to be perfect through emulation. I had to do the Tom Thumb longplay on plus4emu, as that was the only emulator with multimedia video record where the music didn't screw up on. But hey, it's things like the video snapshots which more than compensates for other imperfections. Emulation is definitely convenient for many multiple purposes.

Well, I'm happy enough with WinVice for when I want the whole fullscreen look, the question just got me wondering about other (simple) alternatives that I may have overlooked.

Posted By

on 2014-09-24
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

@Baz -- if you bring your home 42" LCD on holiday with you, surely you can find room for a genuine Plus/4 and disk drive too? wink

Just saying, the OP asked about emulators for a PC (presumed tower, not a laptop). My response was to the OP, not to you or I would have tagged you in (as I did with this message). happy

Posted By

on 2014-09-24
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

I think I'd need a far bigger suitcase to be able to do that wink

And I've now realised that I've been diddled, it's actually a 38" TV screen

Posted By

on 2014-09-24
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

BAZ, I will say YAPE is useless. I wouldn't use it as if I do go abroad I take my spare plus 4. I'd rather do that, than some EMULATOR, it's just sometimes you have not got a plus 4 with you, and you get new games, so an emulator makes it possible to try it. So I use EMULATORS, but most of the time I use my PLUS 4s!

Posted By

on 2014-09-24
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

You can get Yape's "true" fullscreen support by going to 'Settings-->Advanced settings' and turning off 'Render to primary surface' while enabling 'Stretching in fullscreen mode'. These are disabled by default because of performance issues on some older hardware.

Posted By

on 2014-09-24
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

I've done this, same problem

I have noticed that some of the video settings are greyed out, particularly the wider screen settings and only allows standard 4:3 format. Perhaps this is why?

Greyed out video settings in YAPE

It surely can't be just down to my PC laptop, after all I have no problem with proper widescreen in WinVice.

I do use my real C16 a lot, but emulation is good when I'm away or even when I'm in bed (like some people read a book).
Taking my Commodore's with me on trips though I feel is a bit too much unnecessary luggage, personally.

Posted By

on 2014-09-24
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

Maybe that's the answer, but there are better EMULATORS than YAPE? I hate it, so I use my PLUS 4s.

Posted By

on 2014-09-24
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

That's another fair questions, it depends on what you mean by better. Faster? More accurate? Or perhaps better because it has some other specific feature that you need?

You can see all the known emulators on the Tools page, here on the site. Click Tools in the top menu, the scroll down until you see the emulators section. (Or just use this direct link: http://plus4world.powweb.com/tools/Emulators/all) Since you asked for PC, you'll want to check out the ones that say "Windows" or "Multiplatform" in the "Platform" column.

There's really not that many: just download them, give them a try, and then use your favorite. Good luck!

Posted By

on 2014-09-24
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

Problems solved, thanks everyone!

Posted By

on 2014-09-28
 Re: plus 4 emulator for PC

Get yourself an abandoned Pentium III desktop machine or laptop from the scrapyard or Ebay or else, plus a set of non-transparent Commodore C64 keyboard stickers. Those can be obtained from various sources, e.g. Ebay or Amazon. Attach the stickers to the PC keyboard. - Scratch away Windoze from the hard drive if its still there and install some DOS. Then, install Litwr's Forever Plus/4 emulator and go ahead.

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