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Posted By

on 2014-06-09
 Games not listed on this Website

Hi there,

I'm sorting my 264er Games and copied everything from the last years I found on my several drives together and removed the duplicates by md5 checksum. Then I began sorting and I'm using your site as a reference.
I have still al lot work to do but so far i found some games which seem not to be listed on this website.
I also found 1 or 2 missing software titles.

To which person (admin) can I e-mail this files to be checked?

There might be more files but this is a lot of work and so it will take some time to find more.

Manuel aka Phantombrainm(Forum64)

Posted By

on 2014-06-09
 Re: Games not listed on this Website

Email plus4 at rogers.com (Csabo) or lucaoffire at hotmail.com (Luca). happy

Posted By

on 2014-06-10
 Re: Games not listed on this Website

you (csabo) got mail.

Posted By

on 2014-06-10
 Re: Games not listed on this Website

I'm intrigued now happy

Posted By

on 2014-06-11
 Re: Games not listed on this Website

Got it, will add the stuff shortly. (And for those watching New Stuff, It's not Spump from Space, which was sent in by someone else, who apparently had no problem figuring out where to send stuff wink)

Edit: they are up. They were all already on the side (though inside zipped files). Here's the list:

Slot! - This was in Club Info 109, funny that we even mentioned it in the news, but didn't add a record for it.
Smash - From King Size
Spacecraft Sim (AKA Space Ship) - From King Size
Space Shooter - This was the only one actually already on the site as a separate record. It's from a Club Info.
Space Fighter - From King Size
Star Maze - From King Size
Super Maze - From King Size, this one I was reluctant to add, since we have two copies, but both are buggy (Manuel sent the "more buggy" one).
Super Quiz - From King Size
Super Snake - From King Size

So! First, thank you for spending the time and sending us this stuff. I always think there's too little effort from the community, so when someone does something (like you did), I want to try my best and foster that spirit, to make sure we can channel your energy and wanting to help into something useful. These particular programs were already on the site, it's just that no-one has taken the time to create the records form the, upload the files, collect the details, etc. It's a time consuming and thankless job... It's definitely on our to-do list. Some of you who keep a close eye on the "New Stuff" section may have noticed that Luca and I started going through (again!) all the Club Infos recently, to save each program, and also to link them to the actual Club Info issue. Even now, there's many little programs that we don't add. (Just one random example: download Club Info 51 and look on the B side. There's Circle-Graphik 1, 2, Geometr Graphic 1, 2, etc. These are <1K, few lines of BASIC.) I don't really have a justification as to where we do the cut-off: what's an "important" release and what's not. Well, anyway, I'm getting a little off topic.

Bottom line: please keep looking through your stuff. If your files came from "the internet", chances are, we already have it (even though we may not have gotten to put them on the site individually). But who knows, you might find some real "lost" gems.

And finally, about King Size in particular: (speaking of these: King Size and King Size Volume 1 & Volume 2): we really need the TAP files. That way we can match up the files from the cover and what's on our disks, since in many cases the names are different. I hope someone owns the originals and is able to archive it.

Posted By

on 2014-06-11
 Re: Games not listed on this Website

I don't have them.

True story!
A school friend begged me to borrow the money to buy them and was almost crying over it knowing full well it was going to be 50 games done with Basic seeing as there were no pictures on the back, and the amount you were getting. I gave him the money in the end to shut him up, but spent the next couple of years laughing about how he just wanted to boost his collection with crap. Quantity over quality! Kids can be so nasty to each other haha! grin

I still talk to him now and then but he sold his Plus/4 back in the early 1990's, I recall he did a trade for a C64 in some shop that used to fix 8bit computers. Anyways he has no interest in retro sadly...

Posted By

on 2014-06-11
 Re: Games not listed on this Website

I've got all the Kingsize compilations but I'm struggling to produce tap files. I've got a x1531 cable and mtap but it doesn't work on the old PC I've got. I really wish we could come up with an adapter that feeds an audio line out from the data cassette to the line in on the PC. I may be well off here but would this be really difficult to achieve?

Posted By

on 2014-06-11
 Re: Games not listed on this Website

@Chris -- can't pretty much any audio cassette player do headphone out to PC's microphone in? I don't think you need a Datasette specifically.

Posted By

on 2014-06-12
 Re: Games not listed on this Website


Maybe you have already tried but just in case... Create a boot floppy disc, only so you can get into dos that way to then run mtap. If it works, as soon and you press play the border will start flashing different colours and speed up once audio is playing, a bit like a novaload. When it hangs, nothing.
Booting from say Win98 and exiting to dos that way you end up with less memory than is required by mtap for some strange reason and why it may not work. This happened to me and this was the only way around it on my Win98 ex1531 setup. Obviously put mtap in your C directory as is. From drive A type:
This will get you onto your C drive.

From memory all the files were recorded with King Size Turbo Tape meaning the whole lot is more likely halfwav. The turbo looks a bit like the game Thrust when loading, if my memory is good.

JamesC & Chris,

Believe it or not making audio tap's of C16/Plus4 tapes which are no more than simple .wav files is one of the hardest things to do and why there is only a dozen or so in total that's ever been made to date for our systems. You need a mono tape recorder with the old ZX Spectrum style ones being better for it. Some 3rd party sampling software as MS recorder is no good, set to the correct frequency and then lots of patience because you need to get the volume just right or else you end up with nothing time and time again. Even when it's set up for one the next tape will not be the same even if it's an identical tape as it may of been recorded on a different device, heads slightly out of alignment and your back struggling to get the audio level on that sweet spot again. Its a mare. Bad enough doing Novaload, 50 games with a halfwav turbo to wav - no thanks.
Best wav tap that was ever made has to be Mercenary - Second City, loading from a crack of Mercenary all in YAPE & Minus4 before the days on mtap ever came to C16/Plus4 scene... that was cool. happy

Posted By

on 2014-06-12
 Re: Games not listed on this Website

ZX Spectrum tape format was more spartan (eheheh), so nowadays you can load their 48K games into a REAL Spectrum from an iPhone within 20 seconds, as that format seems to be not too sensitive to the compression rate... But 10x speed maybe close to our turbo tape formats?


I knew, that Mr.Sinclair was a genius, but did not know that he had a vision about XXIst century's MP3 and high speed loading technics. Unfoirtunately we cannot utilize any of those developments

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