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Posted By

on 2014-05-17
 Commodore Free issue 80 released (fwd)

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Commodore Free
From: Nigel Parker
Date: Fri, May 16, 2014 12:12 pm

issue 80 of Commodore Free magazine is released.

Al is sick at the moment so I have released the issue without the D64 image ...

Hope you enjoy it.

       Commodore Free Magazine

              Issue 80

      Free to download magazine
  dedicated to Commodore computers
Available as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, HTML,
     TXT, SEQ and D64 disk image


* Editorial
* Commodore Free E-Cover Tape #13
* General News
  - Commodore Fan Gazette Issue 3
  - Retrogaming Times Monthly #116
  - Borderline BBS
  - Retro Asylum Podcasts
  - MKD64 Released
* C64 and 128 News
  - Melon 64
  - Emu64 V5.0.9 Released
  - Games That Weren't 64 Updated
  - CSAM Super
  - Crowd-Funded MIDI Interface
  - C64 Endings Updated
  - Durex Forth Version 1.3 Released
  - PETSCII Editor V4.5 Released
  - Hexmapper - C128
  - C-One Chameleon Core
  - BMP2MC Update Released
  - The ACE Team Needs Help
  - C64 Reloaded: New C64 Mainboards
  - The Impossible Game Released
  - C64 Power Adaptor
  - CCS64 v3.9.1 Released
  - SD-BOX Cartridge v1.09
  - Creatures Cartridge - C64
  - David Fox Interview
  - HVSC Updated
  - Reproduction of the SX64 Parts
  - ACID 64 Player Pro v3.5
  - Commodore 64: A Visual Compendium
* VIC 20 News
  - Get The Cat
  - New VIC-20 Multicart
  - Flinale
  - Tweeting on a VIC 20
* C16 and Plus/4 News
  - Hires Color 8 Plus/4 Images
* Amiga News
  - Armiga Prototype
  - Boings World Podcast #50 Released
  - DigiBooster Plugin For Hollywood
  - The Toaster And Tim's Vermeer
  - Antiryad Gx 3.3
  - AROS Vision 2.4 Uploaded
  - SysMon Updated
  - Dave Haynie: Developing The Amiga
  - Interview with Armin Sander
  - AROS Vision 2.5
  - TAWS V0.23
  - Redit - Word Processor
  - Vampire 600 Accelerator
* Interview With Pixel
* Optimizing cc65 Code
* Interview With Dane Bills
* Interview With Creator of the C64p
* Spaghetti Code
* Never On A Commodore
* The Assembly Line - Part $03

Posted By

on 2014-05-19
 Re: Commodore Free issue 80 released (fwd)

Thanks for the news!

In fact in the latest ones there are some REALLY fantastic news (not for Plussy, but Commodore fans).
In the recent ones:
-Amiga500 emulating Android 4.2.2 HW device, that has a Floppy drive, SD card socket and HDMI output?

-FPGA based Amiga600 accelerator card with 32MB memory for 90€ that seems faster than a 60040 25Mhz A4000 ??? (In fact, the A600 is the REAL logical step from Plus/4 for small space desktop fans, like me, it is a very nice small machine. But the original version was rather slow for today"s standards, or needed 149Ł to buy a ACA 630/25 Stealth that is still much slower. A1200 still a better option due to AGA)

-And in the Issue 79 a computer that is Amiga500/1200 looking case but you can fit your MiniITX motherboard and VGA card ??? That is the holy grail for me happy

Holy siuit, those are fantastic developments...

Posted By

on 2014-05-20
 Re: Commodore Free issue 80 released (fwd)

I think RobertB deserves our appreciation for his work to update us about the larger Commodore world.
Often his posts have no feedback but, hey pal, surely we read them, thank you!

Posted By

on 2014-05-20
 Re: Commodore Free issue 80 released (fwd)

Yes Robert. Thanks you for your effort.

Posted By

on 2014-05-20
 Re: Commodore Free issue 80 released (fwd)

To be honest the limit where we can not post directly under our very own previous posts should be lifted, but maybe it's there to stop bots spamming? It's only so people like Robert can continue to add update news of when say Commodore Free is newly available when it happens and keep it to the same post. That way they are all kept in one place and in order. Of course when any more posts are added it's bumped to the very top so it can't be missed any way..

That way the forum won't be dotted about with no reply posts of the same thing over and over.

Saying that, anything you might say or ask of Robert goes in one ear and out the other, such as making clickable links... Not only does it highlight it's a link but it makes it easier for everyone when you can simply click on it. wink

Posted By

on 2014-05-22
 Re: Commodore Free issue 80 released (fwd)

MIK wrote:

> ...anything you might say or ask of Robert goes in one ear and out the other...

Hmm, gotta put something between the ears so whatever you say or ask doesn't leak out.

> ...such as making clickable links...

Heh, I just figured out how to make clickable links at the Amigaworld.net forum. You'll have to remind me again of how to make the clickable links (before it goes out one ear).

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group

Posted By

on 2014-05-22
 Re: Commodore Free issue 80 released (fwd)

Maybe I should of said it goes in one eye. wink

If you ever forget just remember this... Whenever you post or reply there is a "Forum Help" link just above the box your typing in. Depending what your using just open that link in another window so you can look back and forth between posting and what you want to add. Below all the smiles and faces your see the "formatting" options listing a couple of useful things.

To make a link clickable add the two tags at either end of your web address, but remove all the spaces as I had to add them so you could see it's just a simple case of adding the tags.

< url > http://www.commodorefree.com/ < / url>

If I take all the spaces out and close it all up it looks like this below,


When you preview your posts any clickable links as long as they have been added in the correct way will highlight.

Don't forget you can edit posts if you make a mistake but at this point the short cuts you used before posting will not work. Here your have to use proper HTML tags. If you ever need to add proper HTML tags to make something clickable then have a look at your old posts where you have added links that do click, hit edit and copy the HTML for that link replacing the web address with your new one and then replace the name of the site you wish to use, (which will be what people see as a link). It's easy when you've done it a couple of times. happy

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