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Posted By

on 2013-11-27
 [eBay] Teszter

Ok, let's start gathering more infos about this.

Posted By

on 2013-11-27
 Re: [eBay] Teszter

Interesting find! The obvious infos:
- It is a cartridge labelled "TESZTER Commodore 16 and Plus/4"
- The screenshot reads "TED DIAGNOSTIC REV1.5(UK)"
I added it to the database under that provisional name.

But there's a ton of unanswered questions: Was it commercially sold? Why is the title spelled with Hungarian spelling? What does it actually test? I don't think we'll know until someone gets their hands on it. Anyone going to bid?

Man, what I wouldn't give if all the C16 and Plus/4 mags were already in our database, OCR'ed, ready for searching... Then I would just type in "TED DIAGNOSTIC" and find any ad or info about it them... Well, one can dream wink

Posted By

on 2013-11-27
 Re: [eBay] Teszter

Located in Hódmezővásárhely, Csongrád. Hey it's been sold by someone of the Szeged people! happy

Posted By

on 2013-11-27
 Re: [eBay] Teszter

It's Commodore's own test cartridge, part number 325062-01, which was sold to repair centres. I knew something like it existed before I started developing Diag264, you even have a picture of it here on the forum but the owner never replied to me so I built my own.

During Diag264 development I found the ROM for this via one of the guys on cbm-hackers but it's rather basic and completely useless without the dongle set. What the seller does not show is the tests 'hanging' at the next step when it tries to test the I/O loopbacks. Here's a screenshot of what it'll look like a few seconds later, grabbed when running it in yape.

Here is a ROM image you can try yourself in yape or vice but it'll hang as described above.

If people are *really* interested I can disassemble the code and figure out the dongle loopbacks. They'll be something similar to what I did for Diag264.

cheers, Rob


To answer csabo's questions more explicitly.

Was it commercially sold?

Yes, to repair centres, but unlikely it was advertised in public magazines.

Why is the title spelled with Hungarian spelling?

Most likely because a Hungarian user burnt the ROM himself, replaced the ROm in a game cartridge and printed his own label. Most original commodore diagnostic cartridges I have come across have dot-matrix or hand written labels or none at all.

What does it actually test?

From a quick scan through the code, RAM, ROM, I/O ports (cassette, serial, user port, uart, joy ports), timers & TED registers

I don't think we'll know until someone gets their hands on it.

Well now you do. :-)

Anyone going to bid?

No - if anyone wants one I'll make them one for the same price.

Posted By

on 2013-11-28
 Re: [eBay] Teszter

Cool, thanks for the info! I linked the hardware and the software entry, uploaded it and updated the database.

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