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Posted By

on 2013-08-14
 The Mad on TV

This video shows The Mad introducing an Amiga game during a hungarian TV show. There's a short Plus/4 moment too at time 2'50'', where a 2x1 charset DYCP moves over the initial power on screen, looking like it had been coded just for the TV show few minutes before.

Posted By

on 2013-08-14
 Re: The Mad on TV

Nice find. If he was 19 in 1991, that means he was only 16 when he wrote the Invincible, Godzilla and Mesél az erdõ. That's mighty impressive!

The description on his YouTube channel says that the Amiga game is called "Mess-Up", but I can't find any reference to this. Not that it's important, just wondering if the game was ever released.

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