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on 2013-06-15
 Who is Captain Paul Squires?

If you knew the answer to that one... No, you didn't know happy The hero of Starforce Nova of course! At least according to the cassette cover. If one was to search for that on the site, it will pop up now since I typed that text in, which makes it searchable.

My personal collection of tapes is almost non-existent. I bet some of you hardcore collectors have read through pretty much every cassette's description there is! Are there any other funny or not well known tidbits you found?

One more small note, while digging through the game's code, I found that it has a built in cheat. If you type "THE DIGNITY OF PURE RESEARCH" on the title screen, you get a cheat (though I'm not exactly sure what it is). I bet I was the first one to find that one as well... Which is kind of crazy when you think about it, 26 years after the game's release.

Posted By

on 2013-06-16
 Re: Who is Captain Paul Squires?

You must of taken a shine to Starforce Nona then to start sniffing about? happy

I don't think I have ever taken any notice of the instructions in the past for this one, was not one I played a lot if I'm honest. It kinda feel under the same spell as GWNN being great with the graphics but so little in the way of game play to hold you for long. Mastertronic titles were better than that if you know what I mean.

Nice find on the password tho!! Paul Squires is a very English sounding name, must be the dev or some one at Mastertronic having a laugh. I also think that the password of "THE DIGNITY OF PURE RESEARCH" is trying to tell us something... that's what it took to get Super Smooth Scrolling back in 1987!! happy

Off the top of my head and the only one I can think of... hands down Arthur Noid takes the crown for a message in the instructions. I'm sure every bit of it is true! grin

Posted By

on 2013-06-16
 Re: Who is Captain Paul Squires?

Well, actually someone asked me if I could find a "start from an arbitrary level" cheat for it, that's why I started digging a bit. Plus, astonishingly, I had both free time and some energy for Plus/4 stuff. (So, instead of getting to the ton of things waiting in my to-do list, I took a trip down memory lane happy)

After playing around with it, I found the game to be pretty hard and not that rewarding. I agree with your comment about other Mastertronic titles being better.

Oh, yeah, the Arthur Noid text happy When I read that, I totally though "this is pretty much how Sout's development process must have happened" happy

Posted By

on 2013-06-16
 Re: Who is Captain Paul Squires?

It's probably no great surprise to hear that "THE DIGNITY OF PURE RESEARCH" is taken from a line in "A Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy". happy

Posted By

on 2013-06-16
 Re: Who is Captain Paul Squires?

Oh wow, you're absolutely right! I did not know that one, even though the Hitchhiker "trilogy" is my favourites. I read all 5 multiple times (the first couple in Hungarian also) but I did not remember that quote happy

Posted By

on 2013-06-17
 Re: Who is Captain Paul Squires?

Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy and even Red Dwarf are not my bag when it comes to the final frontier, or rather SPACE.

but yeah wow, nice to hear that puzzle has been answered.

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