Posted By
 carrion on 2012-08-23 08:06:26
 | Atari 8bit vs Plus4
I converted new bunch of 8bit atari pics. Plus/4 handles them with no problem. In case of one of the pictures from Ooz I used his C64 pic (the girl and wolf in the forest) and changed the colors to suite the plus/4 palette and now it looks even better... anyways... enjoy.
oh and add it as another release  |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2012-08-23 10:23:06
| Re: Atari 8bit vs Plus4
Nice images once again! I have to admit I'm quite ignorant about the Atari (but willing to learn). Does anyone know its capabilities (screen size, color palette, etc)?
Most pictures have very vibrant colors, but the 4th one has muted ones. It just looks very surprising to me. Though again it could be that my memories/expectations of how things look on an actual Plussy are off: I recall talking to Siz about this at Busodore, and he said that the "reds" are actually pretty desaturated. |
Posted By
 Luca on 2012-08-23 10:55:03
 | Re: Atari 8bit vs Plus4
No Neptune's Daughter  Great show anyway  |
Posted By
 MIK on 2012-08-23 13:29:50
 | Re: Atari 8bit vs Plus4
Very, very, very nice images! So much untapped potential in a 264 it's crazy.
Every one of those images would make awesome loading screens.
Lets see some games from the Atari 800 XL being ported too.  |
Posted By
 carrion on 2012-08-23 15:22:53
 | Re: Atari 8bit vs Plus4
atari scene is stron in poland, and ooz and piesiu are the best IMO atari graphicians.the truth is that these pictures are really kool but the rest is not so kool though.
if it comes to gfx capabilities of 8bit atari it's not that bright. what you see is probably most advanced gfx format at atari. which has huge limitations, uses sprites iver and under the pixels, and chars as bitmap (they don't have atributes like +4 or c64 $d800) they have a pallete of 256 colors though. |
Posted By
 YERZMYEY on 2012-08-24 06:34:31
 | Re: Atari 8bit vs Plus4
Carrion: > the truth is that these pictures are really kool but the rest is not so kool though. ----------------- Very true. |
Posted By
 Degauss on 2012-08-24 09:20:56
| Re: Atari 8bit vs Plus4
Could you explain what - in your eyes - is so shitty 'bout the atari-scene!? |
Posted By
 MIK on 2012-08-24 21:19:28
 | Re: Atari 8bit vs Plus4
Easy guys we will have no bad words for any 8bit machines here. Respects too all. 
Atari = Dropzone and many more great titles.  |