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Posted By

on 2012-08-20
 Short Report of Gamescom in Cologne

I visited the Gamescom in Cologne, Germany today.
The Corner which was most interesting to me was the Retrocorner, where all kinds of 8 and 16-bit Gameconsoles, Homecomputers and Arcade-Machines where exhibited and you could play them. I thought i was in heaven, because i actually i do collect this kinds of machines and some of them are too rare and expensive.

Seeking for our beloved plus/4 i found a C 116 with the game Galaxy from Kingsoft on it. It was next to the really rare and expensive Virtualboy (3D Games) and a C64. Some of the other Highlights for me were a Golden C64 with Acrylplate, original IBM XT, Apple II, Robotron Computer (built in Easten Europe). On the last three machines i had the oppurtunity to code some Basic on it...happy

I also re-discovered an interesting TV: Philips Discoverer in the famous Space-Helmet Design from 1980. Was connected to a Atari 7800 with Phoenix (2600) on it. I will seek this rare thing out. It fits perfectly to my Philips 7200/7400.

Playing the Arcade-Machines (eg.Galaxian, Donkey Kong) was a totally throw back into the past before 30 years. Emulators dont give you the real feeling seeing this wonderful machines ligned up and play them. I have really forgotten, how much fun (ad expensive) it was then.

For the people, who loved the series Knight Rider, there was a Replica of the Car KITT between all these machines. Very cool.

I will post some links with pictures on Monday (i am surfing with an Iphone (64kb/s) at home).


Posted By

on 2012-08-19
 Re: Short Report of Gamescom in Cologne

hello, i am pretty sure it was a cool experience. I already have commodore since years, when first time i tried out an arcade, Golden Axe. It was a different world, and i spemt some dozens of coins there. In fact there is a badly underestimated PC, IBM PCJr. Despite it had a terrible keyboard,It had several nice development, like PS/2 standard, and if i am right, the VGA Chunky 320x200 mode, made sprite emulation and game development much easier. Without chunky Ibm clone's games could not be better than amiga versions, and today main game platform (extra to consoles) would not be the PC.

Posted By

on 2012-08-19
 Re: Short Report of Gamescom in Cologne

The IBM PcJr was an attempt fo IBM to get into the at the time succesfull homecomputer market. It was basically a ripped down IBM PC with cartrigde ports, a Floppy drive and this horrible chicklet Keyboard like the 116 (they developed a better later) . It had some really cool games (Leisure Suit Larry mostly on Floppy) but i remember seeing a Video on Youtube how horrible it is to get it working. It didnt sell very well, because it was very expensive.

An interesting machine for collectors surely. I have to admit it, i really love this aera.

Posted By

on 2012-08-19
 Re: Short Report of Gamescom in Cologne

well, Apple can sell the chicletkeyboard and people like it.maybe it is due to the known reality distorsion generator, or maybe apple so much better than anyone else in the industry, including Ibm?

Posted By

on 2012-08-19
 Re: Short Report of Gamescom in Cologne

Apple developed great machines. We have to admit it and we are both no apple fan. The chicklet keyboard of the airbook (if you mean this) cannot be compared to the keybord of the PcJr or the one of the c116. You can type with it. Try this on a c116 (i have one) happy

Posted By

on 2012-08-20
 Re: Short Report of Gamescom in Cologne

Some pictures!!!

Wow the beautiful C116 and I can't believe the smaller 1541 MKII which I have has out sized it! Good taste in joystick. happy

Looks like you had a great time. happy

Posted By

on 2012-08-20
 Re: Short Report of Gamescom in Cologne

The best thing is, i didnt plan to go there. It was on my way from a visit and i had some free time. I thought, lets see, whats new in the game industry. I even didnt know that there would be a retro corner, so it was a nice surprise, which i wanted to share with you. I should have made more pictures, there was so much awsome stuff.

What really surprised me was the Virtual Boy from Nintendo. When you go to look in this thing, you expect some blurry, flickering, monocrome 3D-pictures in it, like on the photo. No way! Crystal clear, extremely HD-sharp, fluent 3D gameplay in Red and Black. A must see! Very impressing for its time!
And i really likes the Helmet TV-Set....happy

Posted By

on 2012-08-20
 Re: Short Report of Gamescom in Cologne

The love Germany has for the Hoff, David Hasselhoff is a bit hard to understand. Nice to see the Knight Rider Kitt car, but also makes me cringe. Street Hawk for the WIN! happy

Helmet TV is awesome. I remember seeing them on sale around the same time as Plus/4.

Virtual Boy I have seen one for real, but not working. I always thought it was very strange of Nintendo as to why they made it when Sega had just released Virtua Racing and the Sega 32X. That never lasted long either. wink

Posted By

on 2012-08-21
 Re: Short Report of Gamescom in Cologne

Haaaaaa, there was Commodore 116!!! happy
Rulez forever.

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