| Posted By
Thomas on 2002-09-05
| Minus4w 2.5 (sound, probs with Win98, no probs with Win2000)
Hi Mike,
great work! The sound is already muuuch better in version 2.5.
- There's one thing that puzzles me. When I run Minus4w under Win98, games and especially the sound stutter like hell (it seems as if the whole Minus4w stutters). When I run it under Win2000, everything is fine. Since I have no problems with normal games, I wonder what's the reason.
I know, nobody should use Win98 anymore... ...and you shouldn't waste your time with this, I only wondered if you perhaps have an idea what could be the reason.
Greetz, Lord Voldemort
Posted By
Gaia on 2002-09-05
| I'm not Mike, though...
I have my 2 cents over the subject...
For Yape, the situation has been quite the opposite... Sound was relatively OK on Win98 (even the digi sound was at least hearable if not perfect) but sucked big time on NT/2k/XP...
The difference between Win98 and NT-based Windoze's is in fact much greater than one would think. I've myself just upgraded to Win2k from Win98 and see how a lot of things suck under it I could more or less sort out some differences in registry handling, sound latency, GDI graphics but still there are quite a few left
And the worst thing is that all these differences are rather poorly documented in the MSDN...
Posted By
Mike on 2002-09-09
| (no topic)
Ive moved this over to the new forums...
Posted By
Mike on 2002-09-09
| (no topic)
In the interests of keeping the 2 boards seprate... I'll post this here... ----------------------------------------------------- Okay... from what I know... Win2k has better thread management, and the NEW versions put the emulator on the sound thread. This may cause stuttering under win98. I was thinking of doing a fallback mode, but its not simple to add... let me look at it a little. I think you need the whole thing on the main thread under win98, and the emulation on the audio thread under win2k.
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