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Posted By

on 2012-05-09
 Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Hi There,

As the title says, I'm working on the second part of Adventures In Time (since several months). Those who read my posts on Facebook already know my blog:

Feel free to leave comments on my blog, my FB posts or here. One small rule: Do not ask for features happy Those always lower my motivation somehow wink


PS: Do we need a dedicated P4W page for "Ongoing Projects" ? happy

Posted By

on 2012-05-09
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2


Posted By

on 2012-05-09
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

you are da istenkirájcsávó! I like the style, the quality and the euthasiasm grin

Posted By

on 2012-05-09
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

In the end, you made it public. This allow me to overload videos here and there happy

Posted By

on 2012-05-09
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Oh. My. Goodness. You're just... unbelievable. You're doing everything I'd like to, if I still had time and energy (and had a fraction of your talent) happy

Ongoing projects? Sure, it could be added. I guess these would be just software releases, and the release date would be a special value (ongoing?).

I know a few more publicly announced ones: Luca + indi is working on XeO3, Ati is working on a star ship shooter game. I have a game and a demo which I mentioned a few times (and they are *sure* to be finished *soon* (sarcasm)). Honestly, will any of these ever see the light of day? I think there's a few others, but people choose not to talk about them, only once it's released...

Posted By

on 2012-05-10
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

release date: TBA ! grin

Posted By

on 2012-05-10
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

It looks too good to be a plus4 game, SNES quality! happy

Posted By

on 2012-05-10
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Can i have a pwitty screenshot for Retro Gamer's news please? =-)

Posted By

264 User
on 2012-05-10
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2


That is very good news,it looks really nice.

I like the nature level with clouds.


Posted By

on 2012-05-11
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

very nice work, I absolutely in love with the medieval and the nature level. Clouds look fantastic, better than Mario grin

Posted By

on 2012-05-11
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Great job you are doing here. Anxious to play it happy

Posted By

on 2012-05-11
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

holy cow! those preview videos... fantastic.

Posted By

on 2012-05-12
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

I've just watched the videos.

All I can say is WOW!

Actually I can say more that that. This looks set to beat even Tom Thumb, I don't say that lightly.
...although it would be more amazing on an unexpanded C16 to beat Udo's Tom16 achievement (somehow I doubt it could happen with this).

I love the original AIT I'm proud to say I own, but with utmost respect I had always felt the gameplay a little limited though perfectly executed, which is why I'm loving the new ideas, puzzle elemnts, switches, bouncy platforms etc in the sequel so I assume it will be a bit more of an exploration game. I also imagine that it will be a disk multiload, possibly on 2-sides?

So far great work, more than great. You're taking our machines to a whole new higher console level, similar to what the Rowland Brothers achieved with Mayhem In Monsterland on the C64.

I can't wait for a Psytronik release

Posted By

on 2012-06-23
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

any updates???

Posted By

on 2012-06-23
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2


Recently I'm quite busy with my real life job (since 1-2 monts, and another 1-2 busy months are on the way). So there were no updates in last few weeks. Another reason is that I'm waiting for some sprite graphics (outsourcing job, hehe)... I hoped I can publish a preview version with enemies, etc. on Arok Party (sadly, not personally) but I realize it won't happen.

I'm glad you are interested in the project, I promise I'll update my blog/this forum thread ASAP.


Posted By

on 2012-06-26
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

My bad, I'm currently on vacations in the most incredible italian sea in Sardinia since weeks, but I'm coming back to draw some decent sprites wink

Posted By

on 2012-07-03
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Oh, very good news! I love the first part and i played it very often. I hope the second part will be available as a "commercial release" like the first...

Best regards


Posted By

on 2012-07-04
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

A release as Cartridge would be veeery nice. Via http://www.rgcd.co.uk/ for example... Is this possible?

Posted By

on 2012-07-04
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Trying to get some of these guys to pull a SID card out is mission impossible... Tho to justify the effort both games would have to be put on the cart.

Posted By

on 2012-07-04
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Both games on one cart would be something I'd definitely buy. It should also mean unexpanded C16 owners should be able to have a chance of playing them too happy

Posted By

on 2012-07-10
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

If I am right, the AIT used only TED sound, if AIT2 uses TED only again, then they can remove their SID card... happy

Posted By

on 2012-08-24
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Long time passed since my last AIT2 news. Now the news is that there's no new news... Instead of news, I ask help!

All the retromaniac guys who has some kind of graphic talent, I ask you to take apart in development of AIT2. I need lots of graphics. Mostly 2x2 char sized animated sprites, some logos and similar.

Send me PM, or email for details, or post/send examples (using AIT2 screenshots with sprites drawn on them).

Thank You,

Posted By

on 2012-08-24
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

I don't have any talent for this... However this is such a big project that I'm reckoning quite a few people here will be eagerly holding their right arm up using their left arm to steady, like some schoolkid waiting to be noticed to have a go. We all can't wait for this happy

Posted By

on 2012-09-03
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Well I think I waited enough for responses. Sad fact I got no PM, email, anything. I think I have to look after a non-plus4 graphician for help, i feel that won't be the same (not a pure plussy production anymore).

Posted By

on 2012-09-03
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2


KiCHY wrote:
Well I think I waited enough for responses. Sad fact I got no PM, email, anything. I think I have to look after a non-plus4 graphician for help, i feel that won't be the same (not a pure plussy production anymore).

First of all, I'm sorry that I myself can't offer any useful help. I'm not a coder, let alone a gfx expert. - Being mainly interested in applications, I didn't notice the AiT subject from the beginning.

But on the other hand, I feel embarrassed that KiCHY's call for assistance has been without any response to him!!

Are there only software downloaders left here????

I my humble opinion, in a non-expanding community like our very small Commodore 264 universe, it should be self-understanding that we help each other - voluntarily! We shouldn't forget, Ladies and Gentlemen, that everything we find at this website -and particularly at its download area- is free.

Everyone can contribute, even small & tiny bits & pieces. As an example, my humble contribution will hardly be noticed (some EN-DE manual translations, one of those still in progress). But I feel myself very much obliged not only to take but to give as much as I'm capable of.

Let's remember again that everything we get here is FOC. Why don't give a little in return?


Posted By

on 2012-09-03
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

I think, i can help happy as you can see in the recent releases i'm still active.. Btw summer isnt the best to hire.. If the weather turns shitty i'm here to Draw Somethin'

Posted By

on 2012-09-04
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

I'll ask Harry about this.

Posted By

on 2012-09-04
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

I totally agree with Hans regarding what he wrote in his post.
Really, since time I noticed that all my posts regarding programming (I'm not a grafixman) do obtain very little replies. Even when it is asked for just an opinion.
What think?

Posted By

on 2012-09-04
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

The scene is small SVS and not everyone has the time or is using the machines in the very same way as you might be using them. We are all different.

When was the last time you commented on a game? I'm not being rude by saying this but as an example it works both ways... We all follow what interests us the most I guess.

From what I see people respect and love what you do even if the numbers are small. End of the day it's a hobby either way or that's how I see it. Don't take it to heart if people don't say anything. RobertB is the winner of the no replies competition - if there was such a thing. wink

Another thing, how much goes on behind the scenes we don't know about? I don't use Facebook or what ever other things people use for social stuff. Sometimes a project can be done with little replies on here because people know or have been working on it and much of what might of been said has already happened... Maybe?

Posted By

on 2012-09-05
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

@Chronos: Cool, lemme know when you're ready for a chat
@Lavina: Thanx in advance, also lemme know Harry's answer.
@MIK: "the winner of the no replies competition" - Oh man how much trophies I have in the cupboard happy

Posted By

on 2012-09-05
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

I wish you luck in this project Kichy, I bought the original disk. The sequel is already looking spectacularly far more amazing.

I hope some guys here are willing to take up the honorary challenge, the demos are fantastic. I wish I had the talent to help.

To let this project die is now just unforgivable in this community. We all know it. So someone has to do something.

I don't care how or where, even if it's from a C64'er. Sout & Udo Gertz were multiplatformer programmers too so not sure how they're any different

Ahh maybe you all get my point. Do we wanna see this game die?

Posted By

on 2012-09-06
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

First of all I'd like to say that i love Kichys work. The AIT2-Previews look fantastic and more than once i had that feeling of "man, that is the kind of game i would have loved to do myself". So, Kichy, please don't let the lack of response bring you down. What you do is cool and you should keep doing it.

As for me: I also didn't answer Kichys call for help because on one hand i'm not a graphician. And if - on the other hand - i would propose some code-work, i'm not so sure i could keep my promises. I don't like to be the cause for a delay - which is most likely to happen because i only have so few spare time.

Posted By

on 2012-09-06
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

I don't think it'll make any real different to look in other communities, after all back in the day the likes of Sout and Udo worked on both our systems and the C64 happy

Posted By

on 2012-10-26
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

An unexpected blog update approached happy


Posted By

on 2012-10-26
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Update, yay! Nice sprites, Króna!

Posted By

on 2012-10-26
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Cute snail, yepp!

Posted By

on 2012-10-26
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Posted By

on 2012-10-26
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Fantastic. It'll see the light of day yet. I sense this being one of the greatest 264 series games of all time happy

Posted By

on 2012-10-27
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2


Posted By

on 2012-10-28
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Sixteen Plus,

Graphics & Music are one thing but the last one was a long way off being the so called best game of them all as it was lacking in game play. Half empty screens on the lines of Monty on the Run do it no favors in replay value and limit any challenge it might of had.

I think the Robin Hood guy on the title screen should come in to play as a usable character. happy

What it needs is to be is more challenging. Things firing out out the walls, stuff to challenge and test your game playing skills. Platform games from the past are remembered for what they offer and I'm not talking Tom Thumb. Stuff like Turrican 1 & 2, Rick Dangerous 1 & 2, Impossamole, Switchblade are fine examples of great platform games. On the other hand Flimbo's Quest is over rated as a game because it's crap but the music wins people over every time even me lol.

Just some friendly advice. Needs more in the game play department. For the record I gave Adventures In Time a 10/10 and Adventures In Time 2 needs to be a 11/10 to be that so called greatest game of all time. No amount of excellent graphics & music which they are will make it the best. wink

Posted By

on 2012-10-28
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

I wasn't talking about the original game. Indeed it's good, the music is fantastic but it lacks a little gameplay.

The video demos which I've seen so for of AIT2 looks fantastic, and with the right elements could be that 11/10 you expect.

It has the makings to be at least the best platformer for our system.

Posted By

on 2012-10-28
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

How about some wall & floor spikes, what about adding under water sections as I'm sure he could swim. Add some oxygen canisters to limit the time you can spend in under water cave area's. Add coins or something to collect towards completing the game including secret area's with passage ways found in solid walls that you can only find if you test all walls, some not so obvious.

Posted By

on 2012-10-28
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

I bet he have a lot of ideas in his pocket, so you can expect cool gameplay and hopefully great replay value..

Posted By

on 2012-10-28
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Indeed. Always with good intentions I say these things. Respects! happy

Posted By

on 2012-10-28
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

I like the underwater idea, reminds me of New Zealand Story. I'm thinking that maybe it should be a multiload too so we'd get a huge game.

Posted By

on 2012-10-30
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Yay, good work Chronos!

Posted By

on 2012-10-31
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

hey guys, i am yellow! Keep up this perfect quality, i will surely buy it ( if this motivates you at all happy )

Posted By

on 2013-01-24
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Another blog update happened, asking for help happy

Posted By

on 2013-01-24
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

I'd like to help with the game map. I have no experience on level design but I'd like to try.

Posted By

on 2013-02-19
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Well, I for one am still trying to buy copies of the premium version of part one with no success. There appears to be a problem between the psychotronik site and PayPal

Posted By

on 2013-02-20
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

@DeadTed: Kenz tried it and it worked, he asks you to try again happy

Posted By

on 2013-02-23
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

@DeadTed: yes-yes, you should try purchasing in every hour, and plz buy two or three copies grin JJ, we don't get any cash from it.
Blog updated.

Posted By

on 2013-02-23
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

happy where does the cash go, I was kind of hoping that it would support future development efforts.

Posted By

on 2013-02-23
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Our part of cash straight goes in charity, me and Kichy did choose this way happy Anything else for Psytronik.

Posted By

on 2013-02-23
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Fair enough guys, that is very generous and well worth supporting, considering its the price of a burger happy

Posted By

on 2013-04-10
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Seriously sorry guys that I have to repeat myself: blog update!

Posted By

on 2013-04-10
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

This kind of repetition no-one minds. happy

I read something about a new person being involved in the audio deparment? It's probably someone very sexy... and talented... and modest happy

Posted By

on 2013-04-10
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Sounds like Csabo is on the job then after reading that?

Posted By

on 2013-04-10
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

looks and sounds really promising!!!

Posted By

on 2013-04-10
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Once i've tried to make some noise but at the and i passed it to the master grin
(It's not true grin)

Posted By

on 2021-05-07
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Since 2013 no developments anymore on this topic?

Posted By

on 2021-05-07
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Looks like its a BUKTA

Posted By

on 2021-05-07
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

OK guys, I also try to help if I can, with some conversions, gfx clean-up, or anything else.
I have to admit I am not experienced in demo coding or more advanced stuff, just basic wood-cutting, font editing, star-streen, or like that

Posted By

on 2021-05-07
 Re: Under Construction: Adventures in Time 2

Don't expect anything. Kichy abandoned this project long ago.

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