Posted By
 Luca on 2012-02-18 04:53:16
 | NST's Audio Extension V2.0
Due to the big size reached by the other threads about the argument, it's time to start a new one which debates about the new generation of SIDcards introduced by BSZ/NST, and about the fantastic effort he did in order to accomplish his project! Feel free to post here: hints, requests, reviews, questions, congrats and in general anything regarding the real hardware.
I've just received my own (first) NAE card, just the time to finish my workday and I'll finally play with it a bit Till then, thousand-thankyou BSZ!
Posted By
 rudis on 2012-02-19 14:43:13
 | Re: NST's Audio Extension V2.0
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2012-02-20 08:58:11
| Re: NST's Audio Extension V2.0
How was it sent? By post or some parcel service? And where is the unpacking video or at least some photos?
Posted By
 Patrick on 2012-02-29 03:34:39
| Re: NST's Audio Extension V2.0
wow....the sidcard just arrived at my doorstep!! first i will check the old c64's i have laying around for the right sidchip! then i will set up the real iron and let the card do his work!! thanks BZS for the great work and the perfect communication!
Posted By
 MMS on 2012-03-03 07:21:39
 | Re: NST's Audio Extension V2.0
i just checked on ebay the SID chip, they rated between 25 - 30 €. Funny, but you can get a complete C64 for the same money,not a single Ic
Posted By
 Nino on 2012-03-04 10:44:17
| Re: NST's Audio Extension V2.0
Es gib eine günstigere adresse hier in Germany aus München Ich habe 2 stück vom typ MOS8580R5 bei der adresse:
Ich hab vorrige woche zum komplettpreis von 36,50 mit DPD Germany ! Leider hat er aber keinen 6581 Chip im moment ich brauche einen.
| (no topic)
There's a cheaper source here in Germany (in Munich).
I ordered two MOS8580R5 chips here:
I got them last week for 36,50€ including shipping with DPD Germany.
Unfortunately, they don't have a SID 6581 available at the moment. I need one!
Posted By
 Romppainen on 2012-03-03 17:34:46
| Re: NST's Audio Extension V2.0
I got mine earlier on this week, one amazing piece of hardware, haven't tested it yet as I have to get myself a loose SID first (none of my broken spare C64's had working one) but I'm hoping to get that sorted within next couple of days!
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2012-03-06 05:49:22
| Re: NST's Audio Extension V2.0
The two pieces I ordered arrived less than half an hour ago. I didn't unpack it yet. I hardly can wait but I don't have time at the moment to play with it.
Posted By
 Patrick on 2012-03-10 06:44:35
| Re: NST's Audio Extension V2.0
shit, i don't have the right SID chip!!!
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2012-03-10 09:12:13
| Re: NST's Audio Extension V2.0
I tested one of the two cards not long ago. It works fine and I could be very happy now but my 1901 suddenly released a lot of smoke so I have mixed feelings now. But I like the card. Thank you BSZ. Thank you very much.
Posted By
 Patrick on 2012-03-18 06:37:55
| Re: NST's Audio Extension V2.0
just bought the right sidchip. hopefully will arrive the coming week!! can't wait!
Posted By
 Roberto on 2012-06-01 14:08:59
| Re: NST's Audio Extension V2.0
This article acivheed exactly what I wanted it to achieve.