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on 2012-01-13
 Problems with printer emulation

I used GEOS distribution from c64rulez.org

I followed these instructions:

Attach disk 1A to C1551 disk drive unit 8.
Attach disk 2A to C1551 disk drive unit 9.
Press Ctrl-Run/Stop.
Set speed to 300-400%.
Set emulated printer.
Use joystick at port 2.
Copy (just move) printer drivers (MPS801, ...) from second disk to the first.
Select printer driver (Drucken wahlen).
Run Geopaint.
Open file "Tastatur II".
Select Print (Drucken).
See Result.
Leave GeoPaint.
Set another printer driver for GEOS.
Set another emulated printer.

The MPS-802 printer driver is situated at disk 3A.

I've gotten these results:

plus4emu prints fine with MPS801 mode with MPS801 or MPS803SD driver. However this mode uses narrow paper so parts of image may miss. There is also tiny problem of forced form feed (page break). It doesn't print at MPS802 mode. This is probably caused by error in GEOS MPS802 printer driver.

vice xplus4 2.2 may only produce ASCII graphics with MPS803 and NL10 drivers. GEOS couldn't even detect second disk drive so drivers should be copied with another emulator.

yape 1.0.2 doesn't print at MPS802 mode. It prints wrong with MPS801/803 mode with all GEOS drivers (MPS801/803SD/801DD). Yape also has an inconvinience with printer support. If to close printer output window then there will be no way to restore it.

Is it possible to obtain correct MPS802 GEOS driver? Is it a way to print correct papers from GEOS? Is it any theoretical possibility to print color picture?

During the tests it was found that Plus4emu still doesn't support G64-format.

Posted By

on 2012-01-14
 Re: Problems with printer emulation

In YAPE, "Screen ->Show printer job" should recreate the printer output window for you. What do you mean GEOS printing does not work? Could you send me the output or tell what mode exactly it is using? Thanks.

Posted By

on 2012-01-17
 Re: Problems with printer emulation

Thank you. happy Sorry, I was wrong, I missed this option. However the main problem is still present. I used all (?) combinations of emulated printers and GEOS drivers with Tastatur_II picture from P4GEOS1A.D64 disk image. Yape produces narrow incorrect output with mps801/803 and doesn't work at all with mps802. I've just sent an output file to the planet.nl email.
BTW It is very odd that manual for MPS802 is not accessible via net. Why? =-) The manuals for MPS-801/803, C1520, ... are present almost everywhere.

Posted By

on 2012-01-17
 Re: Problems with printer emulation

I have just discovered a glitch in the CHR$(26) control character emulation (repeat dot pattern) - actually an unfinished implementation. It might not solve this problem, but one bug less nevertheless happy You have mail!

As for the MPS-802: did you try this one? http://www.archive.org/details/MPS-802DotMatrixPrinterUsersGuide

Posted By

on 2012-01-18
 Re: Problems with printer emulation

Thank you very much! happy

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