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Posted By

on 2011-10-10
 Cave Fighter - b-side screens ?

Under the game section I can find Cave Fighter. The b-side screens of the game are linked to "TheOldComp". But I can't find them there.
Am I blind? Does anybody have the b-side screens?

And has someone patched this game to load from disc instead of tape?
I thought this was a game which loads levels after you have finished some certain parts, like Dark Tower. Wrong?


Posted By

on 2011-10-10
 Re: Cave Fighter - b-side screens ?

TheOldComp's link is this one, they changed their folders'structure and now it's not possible to link their stuff directly. Anyway, look before this link in Cave Fighter's page and you'll see you can download side B from all the other links!

Side B's caves are freely playable, as they're not advanced levels sequentially to side A.

Posted By

on 2011-10-10
 Re: Cave Fighter - b-side screens ?

I WAS BLIND. Thx for letting me see the light happy

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