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on 2010-12-28
 Re: My Plus/4 Hero

I've never even seen that version of the ad. The one I remember had these lyrics: "Jöjjön valaki, fogy az energia, jöjjön vakaki, szökik a pénz!" (Sung to the tune which also appears in the game.) I enjoyed watched the ads though. It's mind-boggling how much the world has changed.

As for a hero... Hmm, good topic. Most charismatic character, or the one I enjoy playing the most? I can think of a few. Tom Thumb and Spiky Harold are both well drawn classic that I played a lot with. The Tir Na Nog guy had the smoothest animation that I can remember (though it's a conversion).

My personal hero would probably be the unnamed protagonist from Lone Survivor. One of the first adventures I played, and the reason I started learning English happy I could totally identify with that character and imagine his world. Even though I couldn't finish the game by myself, every step that I did figure out was uplifting.

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