Posted By
 Csabo on 2010-09-15 09:48:52
| Re: What's wrong with the site?
Huh, happens to me too. Weird. I'll think about trying to look into when I have some free time. 
Edit: okay, so I looked at it. What happens when you hide/show all PMs is you post to /options.php. That form just sets a cookie and then redirects you back to where you were. There's nothing wrong with the code from what I can see... Possibly the host has changed something? Anyway, for now, barring any new "damn, that's hardcore" ideas we're stuck with this.
Edit #2: It's fixed now. After the redirect (PHP command "header()"), the code continues to output stuff. This was never an issue before. Anyway, now there's an "exit()" after it, which makes it work as expected.