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Posted By

on 2010-04-05
 Arok Party 2010


we want to know your opinion about Arok Party's date this year.
According to last year's reactions we were thinking about 16-18th July. Place won't change (Ajka-Ajkarendek, Hungary)
Please report if it fits you or not!
It is important for us how many of you would like this date or not.
We try to send this email to as many people as we can, but we surely forgot possible visitors. Please, ask your friends too!
Thank your for your help!

Cargo & Poison

You can find information about last year's events here: http://arok.intro.hu



Szeretnénk kikérni a véleményedet az idei Árok Party időpontját illetően.
A tavalyi reakciókat figyelembe véve első körben JÚLIUS 16-18-ra gondoltunk változatlan helyszín mellett.
Kérlek, jellezz vissza, hogy ez megfelelő, vagy valami miatt problémás neked!
Fontos tudnunk, hogy hány embernek jó, illetve akadályoztatott ez a dátum.
Igyekszünk minél több emberhez eljuttatni ezt a levelet, de biztosan kifelejtettünk sok lehetséges érdeklődőt. Kérünk, hogy kérdezd meg ismerőseidet is!
Köszönjük a segítségedet!

Cargo és Poison

A tavalyi találkozóról itt találsz információkat: http://arok.intro.hu

Posted By

on 2010-04-05
 Re: Arok Party 2010

It depends if I get a new job or not till that time happy

Now I am free, hopefully not so long, but based on this news I may delay my starting date happy

Posted By

on 2010-04-06
 Re: Arok Party 2010

It's ok for me, I guess...

Posted By

on 2010-04-06
 Re: Arok Party 2010

I would go if a week later...

Posted By

on 2010-04-17
 Re: Arok Party 2010


according to your reactions on Arok's date we have decided. The public choice made it clear, that 16-18. July is fine for most of you.
The place has been reserved, it is going to be the same as before. Official page will be available here: http://arok.intro.hu
Organizing starts now happy

Cargo and Poison



Az előzetes felmérések alapján úgy döntöttünk, hogy a felvetett július 16-18-i hétvégén kerül megrendezésre az idei Árok Party, mivel ez legtöbbeteknek megfelel.
A helyszínt le is foglaltuk. Ugyan ott leszünk, mint korábban is. A hivatalos honlap hamarosan elérhető lesz itt: http://arok.intro.hu
Ezennel megkezdjük a szervezést happy

Cargo és Poison

Posted By

on 2010-04-18
 Re: Arok Party 2010

No facebook event?! wink

Posted By

on 2010-04-23
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Erm... The site http://arok.intro.hu/ shows only a green inscription and nothing more. or maybe my browser is too old for all these flash-madafaka-whatever plugins...?

Posted By

on 2010-04-23
 Re: Arok Party 2010

YERZMYEY: there are nothing more on that site yet. Only an animated (pulsing) gif with the invitation text.

Posted By

on 2010-05-16
 Re: Arok Party 2010

There is the Facebook event now:


Posted By

on 2010-05-16
 Re: Arok Party 2010

you can browse the arok webpage from now!

Posted By

on 2010-05-16
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Besides who is going, the next obvious question is: can we expect any new Plus/4 releases? Let's get that rumor mill going happy

Posted By

on 2010-05-17
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Looks really nice. And Luca was there, as I can see. wink
I was wondering - are there a lot of 264 people or rather small amount in comparison to C64? Maybe I could try to get there too, heh.

Posted By

on 2010-05-18
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Define lot... happy
Usually there are 30-50 guys are there (in the same time), about 10 is from 264 side of the force. happy

Posted By

on 2010-06-24
 Re: Arok Party 2010


there are only a few weeks to Arok! If you haven't signed up to the pre-visitor list yet, do it now, help us organizing the meeting!

Place: Ajka-Ajkarendek/Hungary, Primary School Istvan Simon
Date: 16-18. July
Web: http://arok.intro.hu

On the party's homepage we told about a surprise. Now it's revealed: SIDrip Alliance is going to debut with an open-air concert at Arok. The band (Hermit, Earnie, Küki, SzléjerCsabi, NecroPolo, Vincenzo) plays remixes of well-known tunes. For best sound-pleasure we perpare for the loudest event in the Arok-series: we are going to use high quality audio equipment, thanks to the support of the Hungarian Demoscene Association.

If you can't be there but want to compete, you have the possibility to send us remote entries via email. For rules check the party's site!

Meet you soon! Best regards:
Cargo & Poison



Már csak pár hét van hátra az Árok Party-ig! Amennyiben még nem jelezted a látogatási szándékodat, kérünk, hogy mielőbb tedd meg, ezzel is segítve a találkozó szervezését!

Helyszín: Ajka-Ajkarendek, Simon István Általános Iskola tornaterme
Időpont: Július 16-18.
Honlap: http://arok.intro.hu

A találkozó honlapján korábban ígértünk egy meglepetést is, melyet most felfedünk: Nálunk debütál a SIDrip Alliance nevű formáció egy szabadtéri koncert keretében. Az együttes (Hermit (basszusgitár), Earnie (billentyűwink, Küki (ritmusgitár), SzléjerCsabi (dob), NecroPolo (gitár), Vincenzo (billentyűwink) ismerős dallamok feldolgozásával fog fellépni. A megfelelő hangzás érdekében a találkozó történetének eddigi leghangosabb eseményére készülünk: minőségi hangtechnikát bérlünk a Magyar Demoscene Egyesület támogatásnak köszönhetően.

Amennyiben nem tudsz személyesen jelen lenni, de részt szeretnél venni valamelyik versenyben, úgy lehetőséged van a nevezésedet emailben is elküldeni. A szabályok tekintetében a honlapon találsz információt!

Találkozzunk hamarosan! Addig is a legjobbakat:
Cargo & Poison

Posted By

on 2010-06-30
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Didn't wanna be famous (see p4w main) but Chronos convinced me that it should be good to make an announcement about things I mentioned in a discussion at FB.

In short:

I'd most probably go to the party. Will bring hw -- a slightly hacked C-16, a stock Plus/4, 1541 (...I'm slightly reluctant to also bring a 1551 but possible), cards, disks etc. I'll also have a notebook with opencbm + XA1541 installed with me (if someone needs transferring stuff to/from disks). Possibly a Spectrum 128k +2 (with a CF-interface) if I get around to get it back into shape.

I've bought some 8501 processors at hqvideo recently (as suggested by some of you last year happy ). If someone needs a cpu in his C-16/C-116/Plus/4 to be replaced (black screen of death |-) ), we can arrange that as I guess (replacing a 8501 is pretty simple; these are always installed in sockets). If someone needs something else to fix (different symptoms, different equipment etc.), we could give that an attempt, too. But I'd ask you to contact me first, before the party (the sooner, the better) so that I'd know about what I should bring with myself. ...There's no charge, except components' price; the 8501 costed around HUF 2000, exactly (quick lookup) 1943 HUF each; TTL chips are still available and cost basically nothing, anything else is subject to the result of a lookup for them first... I only have few Commodore chips myself, almost all of them pulled out of various cbm machine wrecks.

I also have some, presumably interesting hw here in the flat -- an Atari 1040 STe, an Amstrad CPC6128, and two early, PET-keyboard VIC-20s (one PAL, one NTSC) + some stuff -- I can also bring some of them with me if someone's interested happy.

Posted By

on 2010-06-30
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Ufff, I'm so sad I can't be there, my holidays will start the 22th of July

Posted By

on 2010-07-06
 Re: Arok Party 2010


there are only 2 lose weeks until the meeting. We want to inform you, that there will be party t-shirts available, which you can check here:
If you want to get one for sure, let us know your size (S,M,L,XL) in time!

...and at last we have finished the schedule:

Friday (16.07.)
12:00 opening
16:00 Spectrum demoshow
18:00 Amstrad CPC demoshow
20:00 bake
22:00 remix compo
23:00 C64 demoshow

Saturday (17.07.)
11:00 fun compo
13:00 presentation: GeoLink ETFE - IRC kliens GEOS-ra
14:00 presentation: cheapest solution ever for PC-C64 transfer
15:00 activity
20:00 SIDrip Alliance concert
22:00 compos (msx, gfx, demo)

Sunday (18.07.)
12:00 closing



Már csak szűk két hét van a találkozóig. Arról szeretnénk tájékoztatni, hogy készül a találkozóra party póló, amelyet itt megtekinthetsz:
Ha biztosan szeretnél magadnak egy példányt, mielőbb jelezd a kívánt méretet (S,M,L,XL)!

...és végül elkészült a programtervezet is:

Péntek (07.16.)
12:00 nyitás
16:00 Spectrum demoshow
18:00 Amstrad CPC demoshow
20:00 sütögetés, tábortűz
22:00 remix compo
23:00 C64 demoshow

Szombat (07.17.)
11:00 fun compo
13:00 előadás: GeoLink ETFE - IRC client for GEOS
14:00 előadás: a világ legolcsóbb megoldása PC-C64 adatátvitel megvalósítására
15:00 activity
20:00 SIDrip Alliance koncert
22:00 compók (zene, grafika, demo)

Vasárnap (07.18.)
12:00 zárás

Posted By

on 2010-07-08
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Cross-fingering about a Plus/4 blitz attack at Arok 2010.

Posted By

on 2010-07-11
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Who will come?

Posted By

on 2010-07-12
 Re: Arok Party 2010

maybe Poison

Posted By

on 2010-07-12
 Re: Arok Party 2010

New plus4 demo will attack the big screen!! stay tuned!

Posted By

on 2010-07-12
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Sorry, I am rather close (moved to Zala for a new job), but have to travel to Budapest on that weekend.

Posted By

on 2010-07-13
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Me too, except the new job

Posted By

on 2010-07-13
 Re: Arok Party 2010

lets party on Deak-ter happy

Posted By

on 2010-07-13
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Chronos included, atm I know about 2 Plus/4 prods at Arok. Anyone else?

Posted By

on 2010-07-13
 Re: Arok Party 2010

I was involved with two possible ones, but it looks like neither is going to make it. Well anyway, it around the corner now, so we can just wait it out and see. There's always time to release stuff afterward, even though releasing it on an event like Arok is nice.

Posted By

on 2010-07-14
 Re: Arok Party 2010

The weather will be very hot on the weekend. 33-38 C.

Posted By

on 2010-07-14
 Re: Arok Party 2010

I'll be there, definitely. Unreal promised to be there too.

Posted By

on 2010-07-14
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Let force Unreal to take his "Myth" masterdisks and work on them during Arok then! happy

Posted By

on 2010-07-14
 Re: Arok Party 2010

BSZ and Sensor are going to be there AFAIK, too.

Posted By

on 2010-07-18
 Re: Arok Party 2010

It was a great party! Excellent SID remix gig!

Posted By

on 2010-07-18
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Some more details please? I think those of us stuck at home are more than anxious to find out about the new release(s) and compos. happy

Posted By

on 2010-07-18
 Re: Arok Party 2010

At the moment, the only known stuff:
- several pictures on facebook, 8bit unrelated but with a sighted Pigmy in chequered shirt;
- 3 C64 gfx compo entries;
- lotta rumors about a megademo's second chapter, a digi onefiler and a misterious 3rd production too wink

EDIT: great news, the "megademo's second chapter" has won the compo! Gratulatok to... ;)

Posted By

on 2010-07-18
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Pigmy was indeed there.

I left too early, before the compos, don't know what the results are.

Posted By

on 2010-07-18
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Oldschool 2!

Posted By

on 2010-07-18
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Arok C64 stuff:

Arok photos by Rambo:

Posted By

on 2010-07-18
 Re: Arok Party 2010

We've had a real good time there as I guess... I've been happy to meet and talk with you guys... happy

(...Not to mention that Oldschool 2 won the democompo, with Luca's digi being second... )

Posted By

on 2010-07-18
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Heh, I knew that, but at the moment I dunno if Poison has shown the fixed one (if you remember how the demo de-exomizes, the older version shows the coloured char in the corner, whereas the fixed one does not show anything).
Anyway, I'm gonna release here the fixed one.

Sabrina Digi 2010

About Pouet.net link: let's see what the organizers decide to do, and eventually stand still...

Posted By

on 2010-07-18
 Re: Arok Party 2010

He (actually I) did show the fixed one. (Story: after having held the Amstrad CPC demoshow on Friday + being a Plus/4 guy I was asked to handle the Plus/4 entries of the compo; Poison handed over a disk to me with precisely this info; ie. the prod on the disk was the fixed version of the entry and that's why it had to be written to disk shortly before the compo).

Posted By

on 2010-07-18
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Woha perfect :o
In any case, Csio tagged that version as "80%", he will release the 100% version soon.

Posted By

on 2010-07-30
 Re: Arok Party 2010

Sidrip Alliance concert on youtube!!


..and please check my plasma part in "Total Lethargy" megademo for an eastern egg happy

You can download all the tracks from the hp:

Posted By

on 2010-07-30
 Re: Arok Party 2010

It was really a great time!

Posted By

on 2010-07-30
 Re: Arok Party 2010

I checked the plasma part in Total Lethargy for an "eastern" egg, and even for an easter egg, but couldn't find either. The only keyboard check is space checking which advances to the next part and there's no reset protection. I do see the original C64 demo text from $7000... is that it?

Posted By

on 2010-07-31
 Re: Arok Party 2010

The music was that! :D

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