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Posted By

on 2009-03-14
 Plus/4 World Guidelines! Read!

Ok, once forever, copypasting from older threads:

- all-capitals usage in the entries names;
- don't leave an addon window without a title! if you add description for example, put a title with capitals ("Description", "Keyboard Commands", "What The Hell");
- no personal notes ("I like this one!" etc...) or transient referring ("this is the most recent demo he did"), hence we should use a different policy for "nice game!" "great game" etcetera too...
- no double notes, if an entry has been tagged as compo winner, it's useless t write "this demo has been ranked 2nd at Blabla Party");
- a group or user has to be added when needed for a certain relevant release, or for at least (3) releases;
- filenames guidelines: for "Aaa Bbb V2.0", aaa_bbb_v2_0.prg (no capitals and underscores for spaces, no special chars like ".";
images are gifs for screenshots, or jpgs for real pictures like hardware or covers;
images should be: aaa_bbb_v2_0.gif (160x100 preview gif, indexed colours, bilinear scaling), aaa_bbb_v2_0_main.gif (main screen), aaa_bbb_v2_0_title.gif (title screen when needed), aaa_bbb_v2_0_01.gif (aaa_bbb_v2_0_02.gif aaa_bbb_v2_0_03.gif aaa_bbb_v2_0_04.gif) (gallery screens when needed);
aaa_bbb_v2_0_map.gif (map) and aaa_bbb_v2_0_preview.gif (map preview when needed), aaa_bbb_v2_0_cover.gif (cover and other materials, max width 900 pixels, if bigger it won't be shown but still downloadable), aaa_bbb_v2_0_thumb.gif (cover's thumbnail, best is 64x100, at least respect height 100 pixels);
if hardware, aaa_bbb_v2_0_thumb.gif is the thumbnail and has to be 120 pixels in its max side length;
- language and punctations at their best, please ;
- respect the right folder, when you put something in!
- no plain links; if you aren't allowed to add links, please contact someone who can do it;
- if someone with higher access level than yours deletes or changes your entry (usually after some classic democratic contacts :D ) he shouldn't be pointed out as a crying mother or some sort of weird retroware messiah :D and this is the most important rule which can overrule all the previous one :D

Posted By

on 2009-03-14
 Re: Plus/4 World Guidelines! Read!

You forgot to say:

From time to time you may find people posting crap in the very small hours of the morning when they should be in bed after a night out on the lash. Please forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from Dunric. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. for ever and ever. Plus/4.

Posted By

on 2009-03-14
 Re: Plus/4 World Guidelines! Read!

You know your going to hell for that don't you.... happy

Posted By

on 2009-03-14
 Re: Plus/4 World Guidelines! Read!

Ahahaha! happy
Hey we need a damn troll, to become a real forum, isn't it? Iiiiiisn't it? wink
Anyway, the alternative is a healthy site's anarchy! Yeah! Siiiiite anarchyyy forevaaaah! ;)

Posted By

on 2009-03-15
 Re: Plus/4 World Guidelines! Read!


Posted By

on 2009-03-16
 Re: Plus/4 World Guidelines! Read!

Reflecting to yesterday's celebration:
Liberty ! No censorship! happy

(so we can write what we want, haha !)

Posted By

on 2009-03-16
 Re: Plus/4 World Guidelines! Read!

Once a proud owner of a Plus/4 site and now a forum troll. What went wrong??? wink

To be honest I'm not really sure what Luca is going on about... and thats half the problem.

Posted By

on 2009-03-16
 Re: Plus/4 World Guidelines! Read!

OMG Lando, what d'ya mean, of course you are not the troll here! I pointed at THE OTHER NAME you cited! wink

About the infamous term "guideline": yes, they're guidelines, and if the user X would follow them, that would be good; if not, that would be good the same, with a bit of additional work to fix entries. Hence, it's better to have a "non-guidelined" addon, than have nothing at all. Put in your own addon, X! ;)

Posted By

on 2009-03-16
 Re: Plus/4 World Guidelines! Read!

haha! happy

Posted By

on 2009-03-18
 Re: Plus/4 World Guidelines! Read!

I made a few changes to the editing. If anyone chooses to add description/intro etc to a program, the "Description" field will be pre-populated. That's now a required field, so the record won't be saved if it's left empty (along with notes).

I understand where Luca is coming from: he (and I) are left with clearing up "empty" records. However, with these changes, I'd say that this issue is solved once and for all. (Yay!) I don't know if I mentioned it publicly, but records are only committed to the db once the user enters all the info and clicks save. That is, if you click some [ add ... ] link, and decide to abandon that page, nothing is done to the db.

Now that this is sorted out, we should see if there are anything that can be done to *encourage* members contributing. There's lots of info that needs to be added! It's in our best interest to make the editing process as simple and fast as possible, so that we don't get in the way. So... Is there something *you* are passionate about? Cheats? Maps? Magazines? Hardware? Try editing that stuff, and see how it goes. All of that is just waiting for you to come along and get things in shape. I'd be happy to hear ideas on how to improve things.

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