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Posted By

on 2002-05-27
 New Party!

Sziasztok plus/4 rajongok! A MagneTic Violence (MTV) csapat szervezne egy nosztalgia partyt Magyarorszagon, Tolna megyeben. Mivel az oldalon nincsenek informacioink, ezert megadom a mail cimemet ahol informaciokkal szolgalhatok es az erdeklodoket nyilvantarthatom. Ez azert lenne jo, hogy mekkora helyre lesz szukseg a lebonyolitashoz.
Bovebb informaciot a fecoshy@hotmail.com cimen kaphatsz!

Fecoshy of MTV team

Posted By

on 2002-05-27

Hello plus/4 fans! The MagneTic Violence (MTV) group would like to organize a nostalgia-party in Tolna County, Hungary. Since this page does not have our info on it, here's my email where I can provide more information for anyone who's interested, and I can keep track of the participants. This would be good, so we would know how much space we will need for the party. For more information drop me a line at fecoshy@hotmail.com!

The rest in Hungarian (sorry English folks): Feri, bizony van rólad információnk, itt. Ha hiányos, az a te hibád: én évek(!) óta könyörgök mindenkinek, hogy küldjenek információt magukról. Az email címedet betettem. Ha akarsz valamit mondani, írj, a címem ott van minden lap alján. Amúgy sok sikert a partyhoz!

Posted By

on 2002-05-27

Ahhhh, don't care about any distance if there'll be a +4-party!
I suggest, better if you run to announce it on the +4 mailing list...

Beer'n'+4, beer'n'+4, beer'n'+4...

Posted By

on 2002-05-27
 Party was the magic word...

That's all we had to say and we get a post from you, Luca? happy Nice to see you around here, buddy...

Posted By

on 2002-05-27
 Wish I could join ya :-(

Shame you guys can't make it to Back in Time 3. Jeff Minter and David Whittaker will be there! Your chance to do that interview Luca. There is no escape once he has a beer in his hand because I own his Llama Coat wink

It might be a C64 night out but I won't let them forget the Plus/4 as always wink

I even told Rob Hubbard to check out Plus4 Commando at the Birmingham event just so he could hear the music... WHAT AM I LIKE ON BEER!! ?? He needs to hear it even if he did'nt take any notice?? wink

Posted By

on 2002-05-29
 (no topic)


I am interested in the party too.

Posted By

on 2002-05-29

Somebody should contact some elders: Sensor and BSZ of NST would be interested, the whole GOTU team too, Skoro/ASN, TLC of CNS, some guys from Debrecen...

Posted By

on 2002-05-30

This news should be added to the c64.sk news list.

Posted By

on 2002-06-11

Ok, than what's about the party?

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