Posted By
 Rachy on 2009-02-21 15:03:05
| limiTED'09?
So? limiTED 2009 Edition, anybody? 
Posted By
 Chronos on 2009-02-22 09:31:58
 | Re: limiTED'09?
i will paging the messiah 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2009-02-22 15:29:45
| Re: limiTED'09?
I spoke to him a while ago about compos, another idea was a coop for the 25th birthday of the Plussy. However, we need someone to step up and provide the organizational resource. Króna bácsi?
Posted By
 Luca on 2009-02-22 15:37:40
 | Re: limiTED'09?
Oooook, ok, ok ok ok, you've just summoned the Childish Messiah!  He kept his holy silence because his noisy voice had the power to monopolize the whole scene, and that's bad, isn't it? 
I say this: I'm ready to maintain l"imiTED 2" online compo if you want, but keep your best pieces (or begin to code one) looking straight forward to a new coopdemo! Ok? Lemme know what d'you think about...
Posted By
 Chronos on 2009-02-22 15:50:08
 | Re: limiTED'09?
What a nice surpise! Luca, please organize liMited2! ..and i promise i will kick everybody to make something!
Csabo: Simán felajánlom emberi erőforrásomat de ezt már reklámoztam is már! Már!  (Take my human resource, as i said/promoted it before! whatever...)
If we talk about a coopdemo, its always a major pain in the ass for the guy who stick it together, so it will be a good starting point to declare some "rules" and get an active,patient and skilled coder dude.. i'm not a good person to do that because my (lame) coding skills faded away as time passed. (But i never give up as you see )
Posted By
 Luca on 2009-02-22 16:17:36
 | Re: limiTED'09?
Ok, no panic yet, one step per timeslice: first, limiTED 2. Meantime, write SEI and STA$FF3F somewhere to achieve and keep in pocket something for a coopdemo 
Posted By
 Rachy on 2009-02-23 08:32:01
| Re: limiTED'09?
... Sitting around... ...Waiting patiently... 
Posted By
 Csio on 2009-02-23 10:01:43
| Re: limiTED'09?
yeah! Captain Planet is back! we collect our power into one diamond whats name is Mess.... LUCA! nice to see you again!!!
Posted By
 Csabo on 2009-02-23 17:09:06
| Re: limiTED'09?
Rachy, does that mean your new 1K demo is already coded? 
BTW, what do you guys think about size limits? At this moment I feel like I'm out of ideas for any size, but I do think the 64b category is all played out. Maybe something odd like 768 bytes?
Oh, and of course let's allow unlimited disk access! (Sorry, couldn't help myself.)
Posted By
 Chicken on 2009-02-23 19:06:25
 | Re: limiTED'09?
Whoa, unlimited disk access! You always come up with these brilliant ideas! My idea was that you have to modify the code before it runs on plus/4. But that's nothing compared to unlimiTED disk access 
As I said before (last time around): 264 bytes (even though it's not too far away from 256 bytes) would be nice to celebrate the 25th birthday of the 264er series.
Or 136 bytes (116+16+4). Something that has a meaning to plus/4 users.
Posted By
 Rachy on 2009-02-24 02:56:48
| Re: limiTED'09?
Yes, I would like to do something funny, little, furry thingie. 
How about "2 blocks" (that is 2x254=508 bytes) and/or "4 blocks" (1016 bytes)? Maybe even "1 block" (254 bytes) might be a category.
Posted By
 Degauss on 2009-02-25 08:09:40
| Re: limiTED'09?
We had this textro-idea being posted here a while ago. So instead of fiddling around with different size-compos what about this one:
1k, petscii graphics only
Posted By
 Chicken on 2009-02-25 09:04:25
 | Re: limiTED'09?
I do like the PETSCII demo thing (ever since I did "fancy" directories for some games I've been infected with this). However, in limited size demos, I'd rather see "everything" possible.
For PETSCII only demos you'd need to clarify many details, e.g. changing of background and border colors allowed?, softscrolling allowed?, non standard video modes allowed?, ECM allowed?, PETSCII in bitmap screen allowed?, doublebuffering allowed?, ...
Or you just allow anything but then just sticking to PETSCII doesn't make much sense because reloading VRAM lets you emulate chunky bitmaps which would destroy the PETSCII look. In contrast to that, you could forbid almost any TED register access. Though, I do like sound in demos and sqeezing some music into a limited range of memory is an extra challenge.
Many things to consider and we might end up with a set of rules that suck. Therefore, I like a fixed byte size better and the only other rule should be "Needs to run on a standard C 16, C 116 and plus/4".
Posted By
 Luca on 2009-02-25 11:31:42
 | Re: limiTED'09?
128bytes / 512bytes / 1024bytes, certain categories are quite canonical. I would like very much a PETSCII compo...but that's another universe of compos! Hop e the idea will have a reprise by someone...
Posted By
 Chicken on 2009-02-25 13:23:30
 | Re: limiTED'09?
Well, why should the purpose of a compo be fitting into categories set by conventions of a demo scene which usually gives a NOP about our machine?
Breaking conventions is what it's all about That's how ppl came up with INC $FF09!
If pouet doesn't have a xxx bytes category, they have to make one, easy as that!
Posted By
 Csabo on 2009-02-25 13:30:28
| Re: limiTED'09?
So many good ideas, no clear direction. I'm fine with either some organizer - perhaps someone from Firenze - sets the categories and that's that. Alternatively we could vote on them. I personally like the 1 block and the 1K PETSCII ideas too.
Posted By
 MMS on 2009-02-25 15:01:17
 | Re: limiTED'09?
Ohhhm, sorry for the question, but is there any PETSCII editor available? I checked the available stuff in the utility section, but these are all multi or normal graph editors, or text editors without color setting options, or Logo editors, changing the charset.
I tried to create simple ASCII graphs with BASIC , but the background color setting is not free for all positions, using so many POKEs is a little too lame. Any idea? Or should I write a program for that reason? 20 years ago I wrote a rather capable graphical editor for myself (so not impossible), but needs some time...
Posted By
 Luca on 2009-02-25 17:08:50
 | Re: limiTED'09?
Mmmm, dunno, I have strong doubts about PETSCII compos when inoculated in another limited compo (1K for example). My opinion is: if you feel like coding something PETSCII it's ok to me, but a PETSCII+x-bytes looks like cutting a little field of users in a much more little slice of them...
I bet on the traditional classes, the way I've written in the previous post. 
Posted By
 Degauss on 2009-02-26 07:42:40
| Re: limiTED'09?
i have to second luca: the conservative, traditional categories are just the right thing. if someone decides to do it just using PETSCII, its his own decision.
Posted By
 Csio on 2009-02-26 14:57:29
| Re: limiTED'09?
Posted By
 Luca on 2009-02-26 18:42:37
 | Re: limiTED'09?
Ok, I think we can do 128bytes/512bytes/1024bytes. I suggest to start from the first days of March, 1st. Otherwise 4th (my birthday! ). Suggests for a decent deadline?
Posted By
 Rachy on 2009-02-28 04:28:54
| Re: limiTED'09?
How about end of March?
Posted By
 Luca on 2009-02-28 05:07:27
 | Re: limiTED'09?
Mh, end of March sounds quite good. As written in other threads, I'm not able to transfer .prg between +4 and PC, so the idea is: start around March 4th, ask for help in case of needed checking on a real machine, end around March 31st.
Posted By
 Rachy on 2009-02-28 09:07:28
| Re: limiTED'09?
Am I the only one, who is pushing this compo? Because it wouldn't be as much fun to participate alone... 
So, the real coders, please stand up! 
BTW, Unreal was complained about these limited compos, because these are leaving no room for other ppl than coders. Which is a good point, IMO, but dunno how to fix.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2009-02-28 18:18:57
| Re: limiTED'09?
I'll participate as well (I know, it's a shocker!), so that makes two of us.
Posted By
 Chicken on 2009-02-28 18:48:16
 | Re: limiTED'09?
Why not March 4th to April 4th, it's ending on a weekend then? And has lots of 4s in it
Csabo's anouncement of his participation scared me off :P
About non-coder participation... A cool picture/logo/music with little code to display/play it might be just as interesting.
Btw, I liked the "anonymous" releases last time. That added some extra surprises. Are you going to keep that?
Posted By
 Luca on 2009-03-01 06:12:24
 | Re: limiTED'09?
04/04/2009 is a pretty nice deadline!  And yes, anonymous entries like the first compo.