Posted By
 Csabo on 2008-11-28 16:14:59
| Re: FLI
I think that's fetched is as it's being drawn, so basically on the fly.
That is, if the raster is at the beginning of the first line (which reads from $2000, $2008, etc), and you modify a byte in the middle of the line, by the time the raster reaches that position, it will read what you just wrote there.
The one thing that I can add is that strangely enough, the bitmap address increase correctly takes into account the screen width. So, while FLI and the DMA fetching and colors and all that is always fixed to 40 bytes per line, the bitmap can support 320 +/- n * 8 wide lines (ie. when the side border is removed).
Don't let yourself become confused over this, graphics mode is basically pretty simple 