Posted By
 Adric22 on 2008-10-16 07:55:08
| Re: Plus/4 documentary
I watched the first chapter of the C64 one and it made me wonder about who your target audience is. You keep referencing the VIC-20, but for me personally that says nothing I'm trying to make a series of documentaries and since I started with the VIC-20, each one will describe what is new and what is the same as the machines were introduced. So you'd have to watch the VIC-20 documentary first. I sort of planned them to be watched in order. Actually, when I'm done with the specific machine videos, I'm going to have little chapters that go in between talking about the computer industry in general.
I already looked at some of the top games and downloaded a few. They seem very primitive and I'm sure I've seen plus/4 games that were more advanced. I'll have to keep looking. But when it comes down to it, I want to show what was popular at the time the machine was popular and then maybe fit in a few modern releases too. On the VIC-20 chapter 3, I even showed a modern demo from 2008 to show that there is still active work being done on the machine. I may pick a demo for this as well. Any suggestions on which demo to use?