| Posted By
BushRat on 2002-04-29
| Cartridges
Looks like you forgot Financial Advisor, CalcPlus, C16 Tutor, Logo+4.. and some others... think i sent the rom data to Mike Daley a long time ago...
Posted By
Csabo on 2002-04-29
| Here they are!
Financial Advisor Calc/Plus Logo
You can use our search feautre to find these or any other programs. They are also listed on the Utilities page.
C16 Tutor is missing from the list, if you can send me any pieces of information about it, I'll be glad to add it.
You are Jim Hehl, right? You've gotta contact me (us) soon! We need the information on your released softwares and your group... Too bad your page is down.
Posted By
JamesC on 2002-04-29
| I have these also....
I have these listed on my webpage also... www.stormpages.com/plus4/
I also listed you as the person who donated Script/Plus to my archive
James C
Posted By
BushRat on 2002-04-29
| Okay I posted them..
I uploaded some files to the backside of my wife's webpage
There are some pix of the plus/calc carts. Also some pix of some manuals, 1551, CM-141 Monitor, Christian's Sid card in a case and misc. There are a couple of zips. One is the "how to" files in scriptplus and +4 WP file format and the other is the Superbase disk. The other is some roms and eproms (logo+4, financial advisor, C16 tutor etc.) There are some articles about piggy-backing carts and stuff that appeared in the last issue of CEE64 Alive!.
Lando, to answer your question, I'll send you a bio. There was the NPUG group and then the Thunderbirds, with Peter Hanson, Steve Morgans etc in the UK... I ended up being the Yank side of the clan. I did a some graphic utils and converter pgms, cartridges, cardgames and ntsc/pal conversions. I'm sure if Skoro is still around, he remembers some of these (Slide Poker used to drive 'em nuts..). Haven't been truly active since 1996 or 97. But the fire you lit under my butt, with your new website, has me reconsidering. The Plus4 was fun! Still lots of unfinished work that I ran across. Much that didn't get into circulation on your side of the pond. Tried to make it all Pal/Ntsc happy! Yape and other emuls have made it fun again.
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