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Posted By

on 2008-05-22
 Bomberman +4

Üdvözlet mindenkinek!
Arra lennék kiváncsi, mi lett a Bomberman cimü játékkal aminek a bemutatója nekem annyira tetszett?
Vagy ez csak belsősöknek készült?

 Bomberman +4

Hello everybody!
I'm interested in finding out, what happened to that game called Bomberman whose demo I liked so much?
Or is it being developer for internal use only?

Posted By

on 2008-05-22
 Re: Bomberman +4

Csak a csapatunkban most több a gyerek mint a kóder.


Bomberman.. soon, but the children are more then the coders in our team now! happy

Posted By

on 2008-05-22
 Re: Bomberman +4

Hu, ez gyors válasz volt! Köszi!
Nálam pedig a házfelújítás viszi el a raszteridőt.
Pedig nagyon szeretem a plus4-et, csak már én is 32 vagyok és 24 óra kevés egy napban. happy

 Re: Bomberman +4

Wow, that was a fast answer! Thanks!
In my case, rastertime is taken by home renovation.
I really love the Plus4 too, but I'm also 32 and 24 hours per day is not enough

Posted By

on 2008-05-22
 Re: Bomberman +4

hi! itt az egyik muksó aki hegeszt happy a nagyja már kész, csak cipőkanalazni kell a memóriába a cuccot, meg még meg kell irnunk hozzá 1-2 dolgot. ha minden jól alakul, akkor Árokra (augusztus vége) elkészül. (Remélem happy )

 Re: Bomberman +4

Hi! One of the guys who's hacking it is here It's mostly done, but we have to shoehorn stuff into the memory, and we still have to write a thing or two. If everything goes well, it will be ready for Arok (end of august). (I hope )

Posted By

on 2008-10-20
 Re: Bomberman +4

any news about the game yet?
i saw people playing it at an amiga, 2 player mode, nice addictive game.
hope to see it soon on the plus/4.

Posted By

on 2008-10-20
 Re: Bomberman +4

yap, the project stalled now.. all my parts finished (graphics, design). Almost every week i asks dcd about the code, and he replies "i'm lazy now, maybe if there will be cold i will finish the code"

so far i know, there is a massive debugging left and after just put it all together :D
(the most disgusting and time consuming part hehe)

the best i can do now to bugging dcd to make the final steps...

Posted By

on 2008-10-20
 Re: Bomberman +4

WOW! End of december??? happy

Posted By

on 2012-02-05
 Re: Bomberman +4

I saw you all play this several times at the parties. What's happened in the very end?

Posted By

on 2012-02-06
 Re: Bomberman +4

i'm still waiting for DCD..

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