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on 2006-12-20
 Re: Which packer

Yes, on plus/4 Cruel Crunch is the best packer, at least it has the best compression ratio in most cases (I did lots of benchmarks back then). Though, it had some annoying limitations, e.g. wouldn't pack code starting at $1000. One might argue that you could (sometimes you had to... if your file was too long) use an equal byte packer before but that's somewhat unnecessary because it just adds an overhead and never yields better packing results.
Furthermore, it's so slow... definitely not a party release packer wink

So if your code starts at $1001 and doesn't use all the RAM and you prefer plus/4 programs and have lots of time, use Cruel Crunch.

I won't do any shameless selfpromotion but in some cases there are alternatives wink

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