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Posted By

on 2006-12-20
 Which packer

I'm just making a clean crack of Split Personalities. Here exits only a crack from Obelix.

Now I'm interested to hear what other people using for packing on the Plus/4.

Csabo: Which packer are you using for your stuff (i.e. Hyper Sports Plus)?

Posted By

on 2006-12-20
 Re: Which packer

Exomizer! It's the best, period. It's for the PC though. If you want to be a purist and want to use a Plus/4 program, the best was Cruel Cruncher if I recall correctly.

Is it going to be a real crack (ie intro added)? If so, sure, pack it. Otherwise, keep the original PRG file as original as possible (ie. no packing), unless it's required because it uses memory under $1000 or some similar technical issue.

Posted By

on 2006-12-20
 Re: Which packer


There is a newer version of Exomizer than this one, linked from plus/4 world. (2.0 beta 5)

Posted By

on 2006-12-20
 Re: Which packer

Yes, on plus/4 Cruel Crunch is the best packer, at least it has the best compression ratio in most cases (I did lots of benchmarks back then). Though, it had some annoying limitations, e.g. wouldn't pack code starting at $1000. One might argue that you could (sometimes you had to... if your file was too long) use an equal byte packer before but that's somewhat unnecessary because it just adds an overhead and never yields better packing results.
Furthermore, it's so slow... definitely not a party release packer wink

So if your code starts at $1001 and doesn't use all the RAM and you prefer plus/4 programs and have lots of time, use Cruel Crunch.

I won't do any shameless selfpromotion but in some cases there are alternatives wink

Posted By

on 2006-12-21
 Re: Which packer

Thanks siz, I updated the Exomizer page.

I guess I was think about running even Cruel Crunch in an emulator, at maximum speed... Which is not very "purist" is it? happy A real purist would wait out the 5+ hours patiently wink

BTW, before Exomizer came along, I used PUCrunch, also an excellent packer. LOD is Back is packed with that. However, Exomizer outperforms it in terms of compression. (Can't say about unpack speed though, I vaguely have the feeling that PUCrunch *might* be faster, but I don't think that's a big concern and I haven't really done any tests on this.)

Posted By

on 2006-12-22
 Re: Which packer

Yes, not purist at all. Well, you should change the decrunch message to "I didn't wait for 6 hours" then wink Of course I was thinking about running Cruel Crunch on the real machine.
I remember vividly crunching stuff over night just to find out in the morning that there was a bug in the code

Posted By

on 2006-12-22
 Re: Which packer / About Split Personalities

The prg from Split Personalities is only a crack from Obelix. With text message, replaced in the original program.

Now I have (from Sidius, many thanks!) the original tape and make a new crack. This new prg is loading in the full memory from $1000 - FD00, and this have I packed. With double delite from Chicken. Now its only 113 blocks, before them 239.

I must make a tap, too. And then Csabo can upload this, I hope you don't lost then the email ...

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