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Posted By

on 2006-04-13
 Super Gran The Adventure

Wow, we actually have Super Gran The Adventure! Respect to Ulysses777 for finding it! I actually though this doesn't exist, or if it does we won't be able to get it.

Who's going to be the first to complete it - without reading a solutions sheet somewhere? ... (tumbleweed rolls by... crickets chirp... Csabo pretends not to notice it...)

It would be nice to create a hint sheet for this, and all the other adventures for that matter. The "proper" way of doing that is to start playing, and see what problems you bump into. Once you do bump into one, you already have the question. Once you figure it out (or even if you look it up), you have the answer. With this approach, we can come up with meaningful tips/hints. Just for reference for those who have access: use this format when entering tips, the part in the double bracket will be "grayed out", so that they don't become instant spoilers.

I'm stuck in this area!
{{You have to do this and that.}}
Another problem!
{{Try to SOLVE it.}}
Posted By

on 2006-04-13
 Re: Super Gran The Adventure

Uhmmm, I'm sadly going to destroy your project happy
Here's the complete solution:

NB: in the last row, there's a little miss: it's not W, W, N, N, but W, W, N, N, N.

OT: Csabo, how to insert links like you did, now? Seems that bold too doesn't work, hence the forum help must be changed.
Posted By

on 2006-04-13
 Re: Super Gran The Adventure

Obviously anyone can just google it, but where's the fun in that?

In my post I used the autolink feature, which still works and does not pose any type of security threat. Just put the double square brackets around something and it gets linked. For bold, be sure to use the lowercase b letter. If I have time I'll make it case insensitive.

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