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on 2024-02-20
 Re: Cursor place (reposition in interrupt) problem


Yes, I would like to move the operation systems actual cursor


Yeah, I tried, but that doesn't work well.
After click in a BASIC program list multiple (long line) row, that brake the multiple, or doesn't accept the changes..

I think I have to set differently the $C4 and $C5 than the $CA $CD in that case if it is a long basic row

TED contains the cursor that is displayed
$CA $CD is the cursor, that I move with cursor keys
$C4 $C5 is the cursor that lead the command (If I set wrong I got syntax error, or doesn't do anything after enter)

I don't know, How I can count these $C4 $C5 addresses values.

-------------------------------------------- Thank YOU the ideas! :) -------------------------------------------
Finally I found the working code that counts the command positions well:
; .. after, I set the positions to the TED...
; here we set the dursor real side to screen
; set the Y cursor coordinate
LDX .MerCharY
; set the X cursor coordinate
LDY .MerCharX
; set the X command coordinate (it is same as screen left)
LDY $07E7
; set the Y command coordinate (We have to found the first wow of the actual command)
JSR $DF87 ; Call the Esc+J routin third row to check the multiple command rows This routin working with real cursor so..
LDA $CD ; copy the Y cursor coordinate command coordinate
LDX .MerCharY
STX $CD ; Set the Y cursor coordinate again
; counting the addresses again ($df87 contains it but wrong cursor position)

Posted By

on 2024-02-20
 Re: Cursor place (reposition in interrupt) problem

@bszggg: Open your copy of A PLUS/4 Belső Felépítése at page number who knows what where ROM disassembly of the routine at $D839 can be found. Replicate code behaviour, except readout capability, before screen initialization call JSR $DE70 in your handler. Call routine from $D846. Most probably: profit.

Posted By

on 2024-02-20
 Re: Cursor place (reposition in interrupt) problem

This is a quick and easy way if you don't want to use the kernel routines ($fff0). $d2 contains the character you want to put in the X and Y positions.

ldx xpos
ldy ypos

lda screenlo,x
sta $d0
lda screenhi,x
sta $d1
lda $d2
sta ($d0),y


byte $00,$28,$50,$78,$a0,$c8,$f0,$18
byte $40,$68,$90,$b8,$e0,$08,$30,$58
byte $80,$a8,$d0,$f8,$20,$48,$70,$98
byte $c0

byte $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0d
byte $0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0e,$0e,$0e
byte $0e,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f
byte $0f

I just see that according to your information, X and Y are swapped here.

If you really want to change the cursor position during operation and this is immediately visible, I think it's a little more complicated.

Posted By

on 2024-02-19
 Cursor place (reposition in interrupt) problem

I would like as some help!

I have X and Y coordinates in the screen at char mode X:0-39 and Y:0-24
I would like to put the cursor at that position in the interrupt routine with assembly.

I try to call the rom routine $d839, and it is working, but if was wrong because it clears the "Rows link table for screen" (SCREEN 07EE-07F1)

1: - I found the display in the TED, I counting the address, that's fine
2: - I found the $CA $CD addresses.. I put the x and Y coordinates there, that's fine
3: - I fill the mouse address to $C8 (low) and $C9, that's fine
4: - There are $C4 and $C5 too, and I don't know How I can count these numbers..
I try to see in emulators, but sometime I got a #$F0 or #$FF in the $C4.. So I can't found any rules for it.
If I set this with my X and Y , that will not work.

So If somebody have any idea, how I can put the cursor well from assembly interrupt, Please share it!

Thank you!

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