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on 2023-11-20
 TRIANGULAR μOS 1.29 for Commodore Plus/4 (fwd)

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I had finally finished my tour de TRIANGULAR μOS for older Commodore computers. Today had finished TRIANGULAR μOS 1.29 for Commodore Plus/4 (from inspiration of Robert). By this series 1.2x (as 1.0x and 1.1x) is completed.

For fanatics of my system I recommend redownload all versions released this summer/autumn because I've made some very small patches and documents updates to all of them recently (this not include 1.29 for Plus/4 - because it is new and 1.35 for C128):

TRIANGULAR μOS 1.09 for Commodore PET: triangular-uos.blogspot.com/2023/08/os-1.html
TRIANGULAR μOS 1.11 for Commodore VIC-20 5KB (unexpanded): triangular-uos.blogspot.com/2023/09/triangular-os-111-for-commodore-vic-20_12.html
TRIANGULAR μOS 1.16, 1.17, 1.18 and 1.19 for Commodore VIC-20 8KB, 13KB, 21KB and 29KB (3KB, 8KB, 16KB and 24KB RAM: triangular-uos.blogspot.com/p/triangular-os-for-commodore-vic-20.html
TRIANGULAR μOS 1.27 for Commodore 64: triangular-uos.blogspot.com/2023/09/triangular-os-127-for-commodore-64.html
TRIANGULAR μOS 1.27 for Commodore CBM-II: triangular-uos.blogspot.com/2023/10/triangular-os-128-for-commodore-cbm-ii.html
TRIANGULAR μOS 1.29 for Commodore Plus/4: triangular-uos.blogspot.com/2023/11/triangular-os-129-for-commodore-plus4.html

I enjoyed CBM-II, this is most exotic, challenging and sluggish 8-bit Commodore machine. Imagine C128 in 1Mhz mode without all that BASIC 7.0. And BASIC 4.0 is really PET-like. There is scarce information about it, but thanks to David Viner website I've been able to create it. Robert only P/500/VIC-II version, since I do not plan to release 80 column version yet (it will be when I will switch to C65 and MEGA65).

Plus/4 is also great. BASIC 3.5 should be standard with VIC-20 (color, sound, joy commands at least), while 7.0 standard with C64. BASIC color palette (C= / CTRL + 1-8) was slightly disappointing (4 greens and no gray!). But I love these 121 colors, can wait for start of C65 development. I also like concept of automatic CPU boost form .88 to 1.77 MHz when TED draws border. And disk drives both of them much faster than 1540/1541 of VIC-20/C64, but still 1581 is by far top notch.

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